MovieChat Forums > Politics > I'm worried about these blacks protestin...

I'm worried about these blacks protesting outside of white people's houses

I've seen the footage where they yell 'black people used to live here!'

That was broad daylight.

What was scary was when they did it at midnight and everyone was shining their lights into the windows and said 'get out here!'

Now I understand why Americans are buying guns. If this movement goes from harassing to breaking and enter, dragging people out of their homes because 'black people used to live there', it is time to open fire.


They're asking for trouble and people are going to get killed.


Where's the footage? Provide some links already. Don't keep the readers waiting.


I've seen both but I could only find the daytime one.


This is Life Under rump. Make us afraid, and let the chicken-hawk rump get others to crack the skulls he couldn't and wouldn't when he was a young man. It's a twisted perverse take on emasculation, rump needs to prove he's virile when nobody cares except for his "BASE".
Funny word, "base." Means the lowest common denominator, having animal instincts and appetites and no more.
We don't hear it about Dems, but it fits perfect for rump and his crowd.


It is? How was Ferguson under Obama? You’d think a black President would step in to quell the situation, but instead did nothing. How convenient you forget the Ineffectiveness of your crappy king.

Read some history, pal.


That's not the only reason they have guns. Look into why we have a 2nd Amendment.

But look at what happened to the McCloskey's!

This story about the protesters is kinda kooky. I lived most of my life in Chicago. My early childhood was spent in what now is one of the most dangerous, gang infested areas in Chicago.
What I've seen is that the blacks drive out the whites, not the other way around.
My parents grew up in different Chicago neighborhood than where they raised me and my siblings and it was beautiful back then. The blacks took it over and it went to hell. The same thing with my childhood neighborhood.
It's not because they were black. It's because they never kept up their property. They completely ruined it and then would go in other (nice) neighborhoods that they liked the looks of and wanted it. But each one they took over turned into a 💩hole. Did they think our neighborhood just magically stayed nice without doing any work or upkeep on it?

My childhood home, and several surrounding homes are now completely gone. Demolished or burned down. It's unrecognizable.

It wasn't just that though. The crime got worse. As a kid I could go to the park with my friends and nobody would bother us. I could ride my bike in the neighborhood and nobody bothered me. But then the gangs started forming and my parents could see it wasn't an ideal place to raise kids so they eventually sold the house and we left.
We still stayed in Chicago. I didn't leave Chicago until I had already been married and had children of my own. Gangs started getting bad there too. We sold our house and never looked back.

Right now in some of those neighborhoods the blacks are the ones scared as the Mexicans have taken over with their gangs.

I realize anything can happen anywhere at anytime. Nowhere is 100% safe. But I don't regret leaving. I still go there quite often because I have family and friends out there.


Well Miss Norma, will wonders never cease? I worked for Motorola in Fort Lauderdale when the company expanded from Schaumburg, IL. It would be a wonder if you knew people I worked with at the Florida plant. I was one of the first hired. Great company to work for and sad to see it go down. The mighty M is just a fragment now. Out of loyalty my phones are MOTO. I still have my tools from 1969!


Small world. I'm very familiar with Schaumburg but I only know one person from there whom I lost touch with many, many years ago. However, I know someone who worked for Motorola in the 80's! 😁


1. Most protestors are white.
2. Most protestors are peaceful.
3. Trump has no plan to combat Covid! He has no plan to restore the economy! He literally has no platform. His only idea is to incite irrational fear. It's the same political strategy used decades ago. You have to be pretty dumb to fall for it.

Biden has a plan to combat Covid. He has a plan to restore the economy. He has a plan to reopen the economy safely.



You are not worried about this one iota. As usual you are only concerned with instigating division, otherwise why would your post target black protesters when the majority are white?

Get a life.


While I agree there are a lot of whites protesting, in this particular video the OP is referring to, I don't see any (although there may be some).


You are a first class jerk! You don’t deserve to be a part of MC. I’m so damn sick and tired of you damn leftist Marxists calling people liars when you don’t know the facts. The terrorist group in this incident were mostly Black! I saw the daytime and the night time videos. Get over your holy than thou self proclaimed righteous self and join one of the damn terrorist groups...either BLM (Burn, Loot, Murder) or Antifa (the new Brown Shirts!). I don’t give a rat’s ass which one...just the hell leave!



not a chance darling.


That's right, kiddo. Keep the division going. That'll definitely win it for Don in November. No chance of failure!
