MovieChat Forums > Politics > Portland Democrat "protesters" BURN BIBL...

Portland Democrat "protesters" BURN BIBLES, US flags in the streets; deface them with pig blood.

More than ever before these leftist shitbags are showing their true face: evil.


I knew it was a matter of time. The lunatic left hates every good thing, especially God.

Someday they'll all get to KNEEL before Him and EVERY tongue WILL CONFESS that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! 😇😇😇😇


Yes, but people who follow Jesus are the light and salt of the world.

The truly beautiful people don't judge someone based on politics - and they will show you by example.


I have no issue with what you said, Tabby.


I’ll be the first to say I’m not the most religious guy in the world...but I’m trying to find out what burning the flag and bibles has to do with racism and George Floyd? Could it be that their true colors are finally starting to show...Marxist anyone??? 🤔

These fuckers are hell bent on destroying our society and making people as miserable as they are. Wish they would just get the hell out of our country and move to a place that supports their ridiculous upside down fascist way of thinking and leave the rest of us alone. I continue to be disgusted with the political leaders who are allowing all of this destruction and violence in their cities, refusing to help innocent civilians hurt and affected by this garbage behavior, constantly saying these protesters are “peaceful” because they don’t want to lose votes.

Can’t wait until this election is over.

And lastly, fuck AOC!!! how did this woman get elected?????? My god people, get your heads out of your asses.


"I’m trying to find out what burning the flag and bibles has to do with racism and George Floyd?"

Within your post you answered your own question.

Day one of the "protests" never had anything to do with GF.

The Democrats are in bed with all of these savages. Most of the Republicans are worthless too.


It's about destruction of the US and that is all it ever was. At t his point it doesn't matter if Trump or Biden wins, the rioters are out until some powerful entity bitch slaps the shit out of them.


Nothing really. People of negro and people of Hispanic are overwhelming religious and Christian. One day they’re going to realize how they’re being used by the communist Democrat party.


The Democrats say see evething is
Great now that the feds left.

They are loving this behavior


burning bibles and flags: constitutional
setting the gestapo on them: not so much


Actually arson is illegal for many reasons, especially without a special permit on public streets. And federal agents protecting property like a federal courthouse and citizens from your communist thugs is the opposite of the "gestapo".

But the point was that these displays show who and what the Democrats really are.


Burning bibles and flags isn't arson.

You're whining about things that people have the constitutional right to do.

To you, the burning of bibles and flags is an offense worthy of federal cops putting an end to it.

You are an authoritarian.

The point is... you don't give a shit about freedom and never did.


I don’t think they should be arrested, but I have every right to think they are worthless pieces of shit. If I wanted them arrested, I would be no better than a liberal banning Aunt Jemima syrup, knocking down a statue, or trying to have Paw Patrol banned. Freedom means putting up with other people you may disagree with.

Here’s a great question for you and the flag burners...if you hate this country so much, honestly...why don’t you leave??? It’s such a simple solution for all of you who feel the need to constantly bitch about how much you hate the USA. Move somewhere else. Please, go be miserable somewhere, hell, ANYWHERE else, and let people who enjoy life live their lives in peace without you damn rioters and flag burners constantly trying to make everyone as miserable as you are.


Your reading comprehension sucks. I never said I wanted them arrested for hating Christianity and America. I just pointed out that they do. I also corrected your false claim about them not breaking laws as an aside. There are legal ways to burn Bibles and flags, but my chief concern has been about their attempts to destroy a federal courthouse, attacking cars and innocent pedestrians, attacking cops, and attacking businesses.

You're crying about things that aren't even real. I'm all about freedom, which is why I oppose totalitarian mobs trampling over other people's freedom, property, and lives. You truly don't give a shit about freedom which is why you're an actual authoritarian, and probably always have been.

My hope is that you fail in your bid to destroy America.


I wonder what would happen if they had the nerve to shred the Quran. 🤔


They wouldn't. In fact, assuming the hypocritical leftist cowards had a large enough mob assembled, they would join Islamists in violently assaulting anyone who shredded a Koran. They've already established that they oppose freedom of speech.



WELCOME BACK, krl! I hope you had a nice break from here. You were definitely missed. 😇


Thanks. Not really a break as the place I was working was worse in many ways than this place, but it was nice to get away from insane communist morons calling for Republicans to be arrested or killed. I missed you and some others though. It's good to see y'all again.


Trump's got a solution for this: His Platinum Plan!

$500 Billion and a Juneteenth holiday!

Alice Marie Johnson gives it two O'Tays!
