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Trump admits his poll numbers are tanking

A new poll released this weekend by the Wall Street Journal shows not only Trump trailing candidate Joe Biden by eight points nationally, but - more importantly - Trump is falling behind by at least eight points in each of the swing states.

On Sunday, Trump acknowledged his tanking poll numbers (with less than five months to go before election day), but didn't acknowledge his mishandling of the corona virus, the failing economy, the high unemployment, or his ignorance of black protesters the past few weeks.

Instead, he put the blame on Democrats for his failure (yes, you read that correctly).

“If I wasn’t constantly harassed for three years by fake and illegal investigations, Russia, Russia, Russia, and the Impeachment Hoax, I’d be up by 25 points on Sleepy Joe and the Do Nothing Democrats. Very unfair, but it is what it is!!!” Trump tweeted.


George W. Bush Spox Says NYT Article Claiming He Won’t Be Voting For Trump ‘Is Completely Made Up’


And his numbers are still in a free-fall. I don't think Bush43 trying to save his ass from a 'Trump tweet tantrum' is going to help Trump's poll numbers in any way.


Screw 43. I hate this revisionist fantasy that he's all the sudden a good guy and didn't drag us into the worst quagmire ever and defund stem cell research. He's literally responsible for hundreds of thousands of innocent dead. He should paint pictures of what he thinks hell looks like, maybe he'll be pleasantly surprised when he gets there.


That's karma for harassing Obama for years over the birth certificate. The orange pig deserves far worse.


He's on his way to getting far worse, come November !


Mwuahahahaha! Let's hope he can keep his finger off the nuke button until then...


Good! I hope his poll numbers drop to Zero!!! Trump is the worst president the USA has ever had. Vote BLUE in November


Well good! His number should be tanking.

Having him leave the White House would be the greatest early Christmas Present America could ask for. It would also make up for all the terrible unfortunate things we all had to put up with.


He’s president until January 20, 2021 so it would be a late Christmas present.


There would be satisfaction in his lame duckery.


Still! It would be a glory day knowing he'll be gone and defeated


And goes to jail shortly thereafter. 2021 should be much better than 2020.


What it exactly did you have to put up with? Who ever is in the white house has never affected my life in anyway.


Up until this year, I never liked him but also never paid much attention to humans is dumb antics. I just looked at him as a typical pathetic idiot looking for attention but would be gone in 4 years. His election was no big deal for me at the time.

But after all that has happens his year, I look at his mishandling and it makes me angry at all the stuff he put us though. He ruined everyone's life in a matter of 2.5 months. That's why it's personal, that's why I went from not caring about him, to intense hatred. He needs to effing leave and now.


Lol the president doesn’t pull any strings. He is only a puppet.


Yes but a week is a long time in politics, so literally anything can happen in 5 months.

I wouldn't be writing Trump off just yet.


It's 2016 all over again. Ignore the biased polls, go vote.


It’s a little different this time around , so many blunders, lies , junk rallies, embarrassing family behavior.
It’s blatantly obvious this guy is dangerous and has to go


But...but...but Hillary got more votes!



Nearly 3 Million more votes - you're right. Do you know the damage that does to Trump's ego ?


None, really, Trump is still president.


He is an impeached President - 6 months ago today !!!!


Impeachment looks bad on his end. Eveyone will throw that in his face during the debates in October and November. Plus all the other dumb shit he's been saying since January regarding the coronavirus and the BLM protest to him hiding in a bunker.


Fake impeachment scam, was never impeached since Trump is still President.


This was reported as fake on Politico.


This was reported as true on InfoWars.
