MovieChat Forums > Politics > Man, Drew Brees is getting DESTROYED!

Man, Drew Brees is getting DESTROYED!

Brees says he supports standing for the flag and anthem, but he ALSO stands with his teammates in solidarity with regards to racism in this country, and the “outrage” mob, social media, and his fellow sports stars just fucking destroyed him! He also has the nerve to disagree with “King of the Universe” LeBron James’s dare he! 🙄

This is ridiculous. It truly is! Brees helped lift NOLA back up after Katrina, and brought winning football back to New Orleans, and the man has donated ungodly amounts of money, has contributed insane amounts of charity work...he’s probably done about as much for NOLA as any one person ever has...and damn near everyone turned on him without even batting an eyelash. What the hell is wrong with people??? They are certifiably insane at this point. People now have no loyalty...they are snakes who can’t be trusted.

Brees said nothing even remotely racist, and it was a complete feeding frenzy anyway. All of these assholes (of EVERY race) better stop calling everything and everyone in their path racist all day every day...or they’re going to lose support REALLY fast. People are already getting sick of this behavior.

Drew Brees is not racist. Not even close. Go find a better target you pussy ass outrage mob! They can’t “cancel” everybody in the world...and they’ll find if they keep trying they’ll be the ones getting “cancelled” really soon.


I pray to God he doesn't back down or apologize to the bigoted, totalitarian bastards. Truth is truth regardless of what a mob screams. They may not have much media voice, but most Americans are with him anyway.

Never bend the knee. Stand for what's right.


"I pray to God he doesn't back down or apologize to the bigoted, totalitarian bastards."

I thought the same thing. He owes ZERO apology. I'll lose all respect for him if he does.

It also made me sick to see all those cops take a knee for the "protesters." Ironically that killer cop took a knee.


Colin Kaepernick got down on one knee to protest against racism, police brutality, and extrajudicial killing of black people. You're saying police brutality is... no big deal? What are you standing up for, exactly? The privilege of white people to tell black people where and when they can protest on behalf of their own rights? Is there anything in your cold, dead heart that is worth fighting for? A father of two was senselessly murdered, and you're talking about the flag?

Fuck Drew Brees.


How many times has he been to Chicago to protest the killing of 50 black people a week?

I’ll give you a hint...

Any questions?


Perhaps you're too woefully ignorant to understand the difference between crime, and extrajudicial killing... The government is supposed to treat everyone as equal. The government deploying soldiers or police to murder its own people is factually worse. It's a declaration of war.

Also, conservatives are supposed to be AGAINST the government abusing its power. I guess all that goes out the window when the victims are black, eh?

You really expect me to believe that you're not a racist white supremacist, and your biggest gripe with Colin Kaepernic's protest is that he just didn't do enough for black people. You care so deeply about Chicago. Riiiiight. Colin Kaepernic cares more about black people than you do, considering he is black, and he lost a lucrative career in the NFL to stand up for *black people*, so shut the fuck up.

Any questions?




you're one of those people,
that calls anyone "racist" for having a differing opinion


Colin Kaepernick got down on one knee to protest against racism, police brutality, and extrajudicial killing of black people. You're saying police brutality is... no big deal? What are you standing up for, exactly? The privilege of white people to tell black people where and when they can protest on behalf of their own rights? Is there anything in your cold, dead heart that is worth fighting for? A father of two was senselessly murdered, and you're talking about the flag?


Maybe if these nimnuts prayed to God for an end to police brutality against black men, instead of 'praying to God he doesn't back down', we wouldn't be where we are today. But T-rumptards will never pray for peace among the community or an end to civil unrest.


Kaepernick launched his anti-American protests because he was upset over being benched as QB and because his crazy, bigoted girlfriend pulled him into the world of radical propaganda. The entitled, privileged, ignorant Kaepernick went on to praise brutal communist dictators like Castro, raise money for convicted Black Panther cop killers, and mock police as "pigs".

The BLM premises have also been systematically debunked. Studies show police are more likely to kill whites than blacks when you control for the variable of interactions. Even if the cause wasn't evil BS, which it is, the flag would be the solution, not the problem.

What you miss, and why Brees is absolutely right, is that the flag represents those values you superficially claim to support, including treating people equally regardless of race. It's in the Declaration of Independence. Those struggling to free the slaves didn't burn the flag as BLM rioters have been. They planted it. Civil rights marchers through MLK respected the flag. They pointed to it to call on people to live up to its values when that wasn't always happening.

Until you show you care about truth rather than blind, uninformed emotion, particularly hatred, then...

Fuck You.


Well that didn't take long. He apologized today. Twice.


I miss the days when people got " eviscerated ".


You could certainly substitute that term if you’d like. Haha.

You could also use “leveled”, “wrecked”, or “abused” if you wanted to.

Unfairly destroyed is what first came to mind for me.


I've been hearing about this. Such a controversial comment! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
If you don't like America, leave! Americans can no longer be a proud American. Whites can no longer be proud of their own race.
Think their way or no way.

They can GET LOST!!!!


A lot of people are supporting him online.


And rightfully so.


Yeah, look at this link. Brees pledges $5 million to Louisiana in 2020 and plans to deliver 10,000 meals per day for COVID relief. What an asshole Brees is. Just a bottom feeding piece of trash! 🤣

NOLA protesters were chanting “Fuck Brees” during their protest tonight. No...fuck every single one of them! If I was Brees, after all he’s done for the people of that region...I’d tell them all where to shove it, and move away. They don’t deserve someone like that in their community. Worthless backstabbing snakes!

The dude put the entire community on his back during the worst times it’s ever seen, and they turn on him like he’s nothing because he respects the US flag and national anthem. That is just so messed up to me! He even straight up said he stands with his teammates against racism, but they don’t care about that statement at all...honestly, what the hell is going on here? People have completely lost their minds.

These psychos need to go beat the shit out of some innocent people and set some businesses on fire pretty quick, because as we all know now...that cures racism. Maybe these “decent people” can get Brees out there to throw a Molotov cocktail at a police cruiser to cure his supposed racism too and he will be forgiven.


Can't relate. Aaron Rodgers stood up for the protestors and for his teammates without qualifiers for his #WhiteFeelings and dumb shit about a flag. 🧀💛💚🏈

That's my quarterback. 😎

You have a lot to say about these "psychos" protesting but... you got nothing to say about the psychos who stood on a black man's neck while he begged for mercy? Figures. The whole reason cities are burning is because that shit keeps happening over... and over... and over...

People have not lost their minds. This is war. People are being murdered by police, and the POTUS is threatening to send soldiers in. Stop murdering black people for petty crimes or for things like jogging, walking home, or playing in the park, and there would be peace.





You have a lot to say about these "psychos" protesting but... you got nothing to say about the psychos who stood on a black man's neck while he begged for mercy? Figures. The whole reason cities are burning is because that shit keeps happening over... and over... and over...

Complete bullshit. I’ve mentioned it several times and how terrible it was that George Floyd was killed, and how I hope the cop that did this is punished to the fullest extent of the law. I’ve said it a lot...but people like you don’t want to hear that. You just want to yell “racist” because I’m calling out piece of shit rioters destroying lives and cities.

You just want to justify hurting innocent people. You ARE all psychos and disgusting human beings who have lost any and all sense of logic or compassion. You are now robots who say “you’re a racist” on command to anyone 24/7, even great human beings like Brees that have helped so many people and aren’t even remotely racist. I will NEVER change my stance on that. You’re completely warped.

Hey, does David Dorn’s life matter to you? Because nobody seems to mention him in all it because he was a black man killed by protesters and not the police???


Excellent post, sut6432!!


I agree with him, but his timing to rehash the 'flag kneeling' debate again is just terrible.

A pick 6 if you ask me.
