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3 Countries Blame U.S. for Starting Pandemic on Purpose

China, Iran and Russia have all agreed that the U.S. started coronavirus as a bioweapon in a lab which was spread by American soldiers. Russia’s Defense Ministry stated that Bill Gates helped to create the virus in a secret laboratory in a conspiracy with pharmaceutical companies who can financially benefit from coronavirus by selling drugs and testing kits. Gates virus was supposed to genetically target only Asians.

"...a few months ago, the head of Microsoft held a conditional exercise called Event 201, which simulated an outbreak of a new virus that killed 65 million people in 18 months. The idea of the teachings is simple - globalization in the name of salvation."

"It is possible that this virus is a product of a biological attack by America which initially spread to China and then to Iran and the rest of the world," Iran's military leader Hossein Salami said."

The above comments are called propaganda. It's similar to the propaganda created by Trump and his support network who lie about the virus being a bioweapon created in a Chinese lab. Recently their lies have added a Democratic involvement component.

Not that long ago, America had presidents who represented the entire country especially during a crisis instead of attacking different groups. More Americans will needlessly die because of this.


Not that long ago, America had presidents who represented the entire country especially during a crisis instead of attacking different groups. More Americans will needlessly die because of this.

Multicultural 'diversity' countries don't have a president that represent the entire country. They just represent a set of different ethnic groups. The last president who represented the entire country was probably Clinton, or perhaps Bush. That's gone.


Nope, you're wrong. No recent president repeatedly attacked specific groups in order to divide and conquer nor incite hate groups to attack them. No president attacked his own institutions like Trump did when he sided with Putin over U.S. Intelligence agencies in Helsinki. No president defunded and understaffed vital agencies which help run the country. No president attacked important allies and compliments foreign dictators. Only Trump.

You've forgotten what it means to be an American. Or did you ever know?


Ask people who voted for Trump if the they think Obama represented them, ask them if the think Obama represented the country and its values.


The answer is yes. There were Obama voters who voted for Trump because they didn't like Hillary and/or were conned into believing Trump was intelligent since he's rich. They will likely vote for Biden since they're angry with Trump.

Don't confuse extremists with most Americans. Obama was very popular.


Indoctrinated much, kkk? Obama didn't represent American values. Did the majority want Obamacare? No and it doesn't work. As a black president, he only caused a further racial divide in the country with all of the racial things he did and did not do. I never asked for an investment in Solyndra nor could I vote on that or the stupid cash for clunkers program. I didn't support the auto bailout either and I didn't approve Op. Fast & Furious. I didn't approve cap & trade nor the Iranian nuclear deal or what he did in Libya.

Basically, he sucked overall. Wake up, kkk. Obama was a horrid president.


Actually, the majority do want Obamacare and cried about it when the Republicans wanted to gut it, dolt. Blue wave 2018 happened for a reason.

Did you receive your socialist check yet, hypocrite? How are you enjoying Trump's pandemic?


So the majority likes having to pay a higher cost, while getting less in service? I disagree. Your "blue wave" has nothing to do with Obamacare specifically. If it does, prove it. Show me some links.

Have taken in any illegals since Obama put them in cages? No? So you bitch about it that other people should subsidize these unfortunates, but not you. You'll just advocate for them without incurring any financial burden on your own, yes?

Do I pay taxes on my stimulus check? Yes I do. Do you pay taxes on your section 8 housing credit? No. Do you pay taxes on your WIC benefits? No. Do you pay taxes on your food stamps? No. How Ignorant are you, kkk?


Do I pay taxes on my stimulus check? Yes I do.

Stimulus checks are tax-free you fvkin' moron. More lies from the T-rumptards.


Then I'll just give it to the charity I designate. Probably to the veterans. Or, I can use it for what its intended purposes was for and spend it on local businesses, yes? And how about you, dogdump? Giving it to your mother for your room and board?

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪


As a black president, he only caused a further racial divide in the country with all of the racial things he did and did not do.

Ahhhh....the words of a true racist.


Oh? Pray elaborate then.


The above comments are called propaganda. It's similar to the propaganda created by Trump and his support network who lie about the virus being a bioweapon created in a Chinese lab.

The Chinese tale is somewhat more plausible than stateside retards who believe China deliberately infected their own people (making Wuhan ground zero) just to fuck with the world.

Strong man regimes need enemies to divert attention from their own corruption. Us-Against-Them Nationalism works. For a while.


Exactly. Trump is a strongman wannabe which is why he uses the same playbook.


China, Russia and Iran announce themselves as enemies of America ! No surprises there then.


It doesn't matter what they claim, the virus came from CHINA.

Stop acting like an escaped mental patient.


Considering the OP is criticizing it as propaganda, you're looking like the mental patient.


Lol, K is off the deep end lately. His TDS gets worse everyday.
