MovieChat Forums > Politics > I am so glad that President Trump...

I am so glad that President Trump...

has made this election and his presidency about the important issues such as affordable health care, cheaper prescription drugs, climate change, middle-class cost of living and racial inequality. Thank you president Trump for not making it about you and your personal vendettas. You are the definition of a selfless leader and our country comes first.


Narcissistic asshole has to go!


Let's not forget the wall that Mexico will pay for!


or have the best health insurance in world the first day, maybe on the first hour.


Yes, he was going to repeal and replace Obamacare the first day on the job, right before lunchtime. What happened with that? What happened to the millions of high paying jobs he was going to create ?


Affordable healthcare? How is Bernie going to make healthcare affordable for the country?


The same way we pay for everything else, like having the best military in world, tax cuts every four years, a border wall, new publicly funded sports stadiums, sending people to moon, sending people to mars, space force, military planes flying over sports stadiums for ceremonies. After all, we are the richest country in world, until it comes to our citizens, then there always we can't afford it. Which one is it? Are we the richest country in world? or Are we one of the only countries that can't afford health insurance? I don't see how we can keep pretending to have it both ways.
I say let the tax cuts run out and then use that money to expand medicare and be done with it. Then we can start funding more after the total cost is revealed. That's how gov't programs work. There have been recent studies that show how it will save money. The system we have is very ineffecient because people who aren't covered don't always pay. I think hospitals ought to be public not-for-profit just like France. There is no reason why an aspirin should cost $100 in the hospital, it doesn't in the military because the military is not a business.


What is "affordable"? Who are you going to cover? How much are you going to cover and for how long?


Affordable is a start, but coverage should be a human right, like the right to an attorney. Everyone should be covered under the system, covered for life. Take the current Medicare system and expand it to everyone, not just people over 65. There is no reason (except for inefficiency and greed) that a person should have employer based insurance, pay $300 per mouth out-of-pocket for premiums then get a bill for thousands of dollars for procedures until the deductable is met.
Thanks to Sanders we might now have that discussion because without him, Biden and Trump don't want that discussion.




Well...I'm not running for office and I am not hear to preach or call people names. This is a discussion our elected leaders should be having instead of us. Most people are afraid of change because our leaders have done a terrible job of explaining this to us. There is a reason for that. I hope the discussion happens but it probably won't. I think employer based insurance is wrong. Why should your company be responsible for your health insurance, but your country is not? Small companies cannot afford the health insurance that big corporations can. This makes it much harder for small start-up companies to succeed. If that burden of health insurance is taken away from companies and put in the hands of the gov't in the form of a gov't program then small companies could not only hire more employees, but also give better pay and even raises. A gov't run program would also always be solvent because it would be recession proof, just like the military. It will always be funded if it is and 'entitlement' program, which means it cannot be defunded like other programs.


“I think employer based insurance is wrong. Why should your company be responsible for your health insurance, but your country is not?“


You have a lot to learn in life. So you think employer based insurance is wrong. I doubt profoundly those that have those type (Cadillac) policies would agree with you. The employer isn’t responsible for health insurance. It’s part of a benefit package to draw good employees. The employer pays a part and the employee pays a part. I’ve had both and Medicare sucks. BTW, Medicare isn’t free. We pay into it through payroll taxes...FICA. Also, you want a good example of government run healthcare? Look no farther than the VA.

Your question as to why your country isn’t responsible. Simple answer: The country doesn’t foot the bill...the taxpayers do. Do you believe the US government is an entity of itself? The government produces its own revenue?

“ A gov't run program would also always be solvent because it would be recession proof,”

Surely you jest! The damn program of Medicare is becoming insolvent now! As I wrote, you have a lot to learn in life.


Okay. 30-60 trillion increase over 10 years on top of the current budget is infeasible. Other than raising taxes, what expenses are you going to cut?


Of course you have to raise taxes to make a gov't program work, Bernie has said that numerous times. That's why he labeled himself a "socialist" because he knew he would've been labeled that anyway because he needs to raise taxes. He is a "democratic socialist" .
Socialism is an economic system, not a political one, that one is called Communism. The problem is the the two have been indelibly linked together. A democratic socialist means that you have more social programs instead of private industry running everything, but you keep the current democratic political system (ie. the three branches of gov't and elected representatives) instead of a dictator which is what communism is. The reason Bernie uses the term "democratic socialism" is because people are indoctrinated to believe that if you are a socialist then you can't own anything and you lost your form of gov't and your constituition etc.


Bernie is NOT a democratic socialist. He's a communist. He can't even condemn Fidel Castro. He always says Sweden and Denmark, and although they have govt healthcare and govt funded schooling, which is the socialism in their society, they also have private corporations to run the healthcare and social security system and school choice voucher program for their schooling. That's the democratic part of the democratic socialism. You see how the good stuff is missing, but the bad stuff is still there?


I disagree, but I will be voting for him. Whether it's him or not, this idea is not going away. Our movement is 100% determined to keep this at the forefront of every election. If the president doesn't get it done, there are many many governors that are adopting their own medicare-for-all in their respected states. We are not giving up, so if you are intent to keep voting against socialism, you are going to be busy voting in the future.


“Our movement.”?

My god you Bernie cultists are brainwashed.

Please send me half of your next paycheck in the mail. I didn’t work for it, I didn’t earn it, but you know...the joys of socialism. I’ll be expecting the check from your hard work in the mail any day now. Yay Bernie! Nothing like getting shit for free.


Regarding condemning Castro, Bernie has. He condemed everything about him except praised his medical and education systems. That is far more than Trump ever did in condeming Putin, Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping or the Saudi royal family. As a matter of fact, right now Mike Pompeo is negotiating a deal with the Taliban. I thought the republican catchphase has always been "We don't negotiate with terrorists!" I guess it has now changed to "We can negotiate with terrorists, but you cannot!"


When one has to work with these foreign leaders, one must tread lightly. When it comes to a dead dictator, it's easy to condemn him and yet Bernie couldn't.

Does the ends justify the means? Cuba's literacy rate was 80% before he came to power. Was it worth executing people and confiscating private property and bring down the per capita income of Cuban citizens, thus reducing the quality of living down to a poverty level for all in order to have medicare for all and increase the literacy rate? Let's not mention an abandonment of freedom of the press and speech limiting the information that is acceptable by the government?


Confiscating private property? Like you do when you build a border wall? Are you talking about Castro or Trump?


Eminent domain where the govt still has to pay FMV for the land compared to a govt coup where a dictator seizes the land without recompense is apples and oranges. Just FYI.


Well thanks for that. I am going to take your home for a border-wall that I campaigned and lied about, but here's some money. I wonder what you would say if Hillary or Obama did that?

BTW... you're tax dollars are going to pay for it because Mexico will not.
Is that "emminent domain" or "bait and switch"?


Nobody is taking a home. You're just lying now. You do know the difference between eminent domain and a dictator confiscating personal property, yes?


I know the difference. ED you take property but you pay. I just think that is a BS term to get away with taking someone's land. What if they don't want to move? I don't care what you call it, if my government force to move for a BS fear-mongering campaign promise that it never was serious about anyway, I would be mad, whether it's Castro, Trump, Sanders or anyone.


That's why it is rarely used. Of course the landowners are upset. That's why a dialogue needs to be opened.

Then again with Castro, there was no dialogue. It was get out or die.


Oh sure, I understand that. We are nicer about it, that's for sure. Do you also defend separating families and putting children in concentration camps. Or do we make up a nicer term to call that too?


Concentration camps? Let me give you a chance to clean up your words.


I did! I just added the second "o" to "too".


okay I will call them "kid cages" is that better?


What do you call them?


Detainment centers. Centers used by Obama. Now tell me, what's the difference between a detainment center to an internment camp and a concentration camp?


Nothing! Obama did not separate families. I am not defending Obama because I don't like him either.


Nothing? Seriously? I'm going to give you one more chance. Think about it. Harder this time.


Your philosophy: "Socialism and communism are the same thing with different titles"

My philosophy: Concentration camps, internment camps and detainment centers are the same thing with different titles"


It sounds to me like you defend this practice, I do not. As a matter of fact, to me, there is point in discussing it because I am 100% against any of these camps and will not even try to distinguish between the different titles. I am against putting innocent children in camps and separating families!


The jews were put in concentration camps, yes? The Japanese were put in internment camps, yes? The migrants were put in detention centers, yes? Now tell me what's the difference in how they got there?


You can defend this all you want, but I really don't care why children are put in cages. I am sure our gov't could scare me into believing that we should. Governments are good at that. I just don't think these children are that much of threat to our national security. I don't think Trump does either, but he needs to fullfill campaign promises to get reelected. I really don't think you believe this either, you just feel you are supposed to.


What's the difference? There's a huge difference.


I really don't know what the difference is in how they got there please explain. It seems to me that the reason they are there is not the reason they tell the citizens. It has to do with fear and scaring people into something rather than national security, but I am sure the gov't will tell you that it has to do with national security but i don't believe it. BTW... The reply box is getting so tiny it's hard to write that way.


The jews were FORCED by the govt into concentration camps. The Japanese were FORCED by the govt into internment camps.

The migrants CHOSE to come and be placed into detainment centers. These migrants don't have to be here. They are FREE to go back where they came from and yet they CHOOSE to stay. Why is that?


That's a nice arguement, but I don't think many people (outside the far-right Fox news bubble) care about any dead dictator anymore, especially Castro.


That's what I said.


Then why do you keep bringing it up?


Trump "treaded very lightly" when he told Kim Jong Un that his button is bigger than his. He also "treaded very lightly" when he told Syria that they will be met with fire and fury. He "treaded very lightly" when he threatened Iran with an attack of 52 historic sites.


but he was silent i noticed when the Saudi royal family assasinated american journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


It's pretty pathetic when a leader wants to play big-shot with his toys so badly that he asks if he can nuke a hurricane.
I guess I'm just glad he only asked.


As the US has the strongest military in the world, the US has leverage in negotiations, do we not? Yet to "condemn" Putin, Xi and Un just to condemn them is not only pointless, but not prudent and not diplomatic. That's just basic common sense.


Not condemning is one thing, praising is another.


And yet Bernie praised Fidel Castro and the Sandinista regime.



Nobody cares except Fox News zombies. Most americans don't even know or remember the Sandinistas (unless they are fans of The Clash)


Nobody cares? First of all, thank you for admitting that Bernie praised a dictator that killed Cuban citizens just for being gay and thank you admitting that Bernie praised a regime that committed countless human rights atrocities.

And yet, that's the guy you'd vote for for President of the USA. How long was indoctrination process? 🤪🤪🤪


Let's look at the boxscore.
Trump takes away private property.
Trump puts children in cages.
Trump destroys private small farms to be replaced by corporate owned farms.

But...Bernie Sanders is the communist.


He doesn't take it away. The govt PAYS FOR IT.
Children in cages? What's a country without borders? Not a country.
Destroys small farms? I don't know where you get your news. Show me proof.

Yes. Bernie is a communist.
Does he want wealth redistribution? Yes.
Does he want to nationalize the health industry? Yes.
Does he want to govt schooling? Yes.
Did he say he wanted nationalize the banking and energy sectors? Yes.
Did he praise the Sandinista regime? Yes.
Did he praise Fidel Castro? Yes.
Did he praise the USSR? Yes.


We already have gov't schools. Americans have the right to a free public education, it's in the constitution. How is that a communist policy?

Nationalizing the health industry is not communism.

We have already nationalized the energy sectors, we just give them a "gov't granted monopoly" status.


You could buy 100,000 stadiums for the price of Bernie’s communist crapcare. 50,000 walls. Without the strongest military in the world we have no country. We have the top healthcare system in the world thanks to free markets. It’s only gotten expensive in recent decades because the government stuck its nose in it.

Just do basic math and explain to us how the communist Democrat party plan to take over healthcare can be paid for.

- Free govt crapcare for all 5 trillion a year.
- Current federal budget for everything, 5 trillion.
- total taxes collected 4 trillion.

- Wall, 2.5 billion. Savings will pay for itself.
- Stadiums cost 1-2 billion and pay for themselves.

Again explain to us where the communist Democrat party will get 5 trillion a year when we currently run a 1 trillion dollar annual deficit.


Really? Medicare is crap huh?

Because Bernie wants to expand it to everyone. If you don't like Medicare then don't except it when you reach 65, since it's "crapcare"


It won't be there when we are 65 because they are already in the hole regarding funding.


“The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.863 trillion for FY 2021.”

“For example, economist Kenneth Thorpe estimated that single-payer health care would cost the federal government $24.7 trillion through 2026, excluding the costs associated with long-term care benefits (likely about $3 trillion). The Urban Institute estimated a $32 trillion cost over the same period, including those long-term care benefits. The Center for Health and Economy (H&E) produced an estimate that the American Action Forum calculates would cost the federal government $36 trillion through 2029.

In addition, former Social Security and Medicare Trustee and current Mercatus Center fellow Chuck Blahous estimated that Medicare for All as proposed in *Senator Sanders's 2017 legislation would cost the federal government $27.7 trillion through 2028 assuming steep provider cuts and $32.1 trillion assuming no provider cuts* (these estimates, like most others, assume immediate implementation).“

Now tell us how Medicare For All would be paid for looking at the math. From what I see it would take all the revenue the US government takes in. Nothing left for Defense, Education, Homeland Security, Veterans, etc.


Notice you didn’t answer the question. As I knew would happen.

If You could take the wealth from the billionaires, which you can’t because it’s not cash, you wouldn’t even pay for 1 year of communist crap care.


And don't forget his full head of hair that only LOOKS like a combover, his perfect body and his naturally-tanned orange skin.

His skin isn't spray-tanned--that's just the liberal media lying to us. :)


You tell'em Fredo. You always bring such "wisdom" with your posts. After all, we know you're smaht. You can handle dings. Not like everybody says. Not dumb, but smaht. 🤪🤪🤪


Trump is a misogynistic, racist, homophobic, sexist creep who never should have been elected! Hillary won the popular vote way over t-Rump. He is despicable and I can't wait until he is gone.
