MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump Landslide 2020

Trump Landslide 2020

I thought Dems were gonna fight back, what an embarrassment

Trump accomplished nothing and will get an easy reelection , while the dems eat their own


What do you mean nothing. Unemployment is at 3%, the dow at 29K but could be 30K if not for the virus problem hurting airline travel.


It's a weak, very weak field.

And Trump is a very weak candidate. A good message, but a horrific messenger.

I could see Sanders pulling votes away from battleground states (PA, WI, MI) and possibly beat Trump.

It's easy math, just win all the states Hillary won (which is more than plausible) and pick off a couple of states where Trump won 10,000 votes or less.

Harder to do for Biden but also possible.


Yup, landslide right back down into the gutter where he came from.


Donald is a fcking idiot. An absolute clown president if I've ever seen one.

Beating him should be like solving a 1+1 equation. It would take SKILL to lose to this idiot a second time after this insane asylum of a "presidency".


This senate trial is hurting Donald. The more truth comes out the worse it is for him.


- record stock market
- record unemployment
- record number of Americans working
- America first Trade deals with Mexico, Canada, and China. Something no one ever thought would happen.
- no wars
- taken out 2 of the most dangerous Islamic terrorists in the world
- exposure of the corrupt deep state and communist run Democrat media/party.

None of which would’ve happened under the alternative.

Can’t get much more ignorant and less substantive than the OP. As expected from a brainless leftwing lemming.


Take the hyperbole out of your argument and it would be more believable. You sound unfit to make any reasonable conclusion.


Like Nebula said in the Endgame movie to Gamora. Your choices was Donald or the old crusty communist.


Donald isn't crusty? That mofo has crust on top of crust.


Sanders is old of the old and crusty.


That isn't my candidate. Try again.


So you are making it even easier on Donald to beat Sanders.


Biden can beat Donald. The VP choice will be important.


I think VP is picked after the nomination.


Uh huh. Your point?
