MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trumps 15,413 false & misleading claims

Trumps 15,413 false & misleading claims

Does all this lying from our POTUS distress our MOVIECHAT characters?

Or is it just business as usual in 2020?


Trump lies about everything. He is uneducated, sexist, homophobic, and mentally unbalanced among other things.


🤣😂 Where did Trump touch you to make the bitterness so strong?!


If you enjoy his endless display of ignorance and lack of empathy, his unfitness to serve office, and find it amusing, then you aren't much of an American.


Agreed. Trump's ineptitude is a feature to them, not a bug. They have no interest in the well-being of America. All they care about is that the other side is unhappy about it.


If you only seek to find something negative about our President because your feelings are hurt that he won the election, then you aren't much of an American.


If you can stomach watching this lying, narcissist autocrat make a fool of himself on a daily basis and you consider this acceptable, god help this union.
Typical wrong wing dodge, bringing up "hurt feelings." There is much more wrong with this creep in charge than hurt feelings. Read the title -- 15K+ lies, lies and more lies. And responsible for 176 deaths recently for his reckless misadventure in the Mid East. But he can do anything he wants, right?


🤣😂 You lefties were crying, quite literally, the DAY he was elected, and haven't stopped since. Your distaste for him isn't grounded in anything factual, because it started before he was even sworn in. That obviously taints anything you think that comes subsequently, because you formed your opinion of him based on emotions, and have picked apart his presidency to fulfill those preconceived irrational emotions since. Add to that, you condemn actions of his that are on par with the previous administration, but treat Trump as a monster when it's under him. Those aren't the actions of an unbiased, reasonable and informed person. You lefties behave like a petulant middle school girl who's boyfriend broke up with her for someone else.


You are just like Trump. Make up any scurrilous remark and stand behind it like you have struck gold.
Trump is an idiot and a joke by any thoughtful person's standard. You call it sour grapes, it call it you backing Stalin like it's BAU. If this is the USA you want to live in, I guess you must be getting pad, because any educated person who isn't profiting from this crap show is appalled.
You can ascribe all your imagined reasons for disliking this clown and all his stooges, and you can believe in the tooth fairy while you are at it. You are comfortable with liars and lying, and I can't fight that.


Hahaha, not one thing addressing my remarks, just "Trump Bad"!


Trump is getting impeached and instead of talking it like a man he became twitter unglued and decides to kill someone on foreign soil which turns into a disaster. And that's just the latest in this slow-motion car wreck that is the unexpected consequence of this unqualified narcissist in command. Again, if you find it amusing, that speaks a lot of your own political acumen.




You mean like how Republicans treated Obama for eight years ?


How did they treat Obama, pray tell dogdump?


Ask your special ed teacher to go over History with you. Focus on the Obama presidency.


As usual, you got nothing to offer. Just spewing your pointless propaganda. Then again, what else is new, dogdump? How about some Alice the Fairy? You could use some wholesome tee-hees about now.🤪🤪🤪


Isn't this your video ? :


Wow! When did I come back to life, pray tell?






Notice T-rumptards on this forum NEVER acknowledge his lies ? They twist everything for him to defend him.


At least when democrats lie, they try to twist facts to support their BS. There is plausible deniability. Republicans don't need to worry about that, they just make shit up, and know their base don't care whether it's true or not. If someone disproves them, they just repeat the lie again.


Sad but true


You mean like 3 years of repeating "Russian collusion" when all evidence points to nothing of the kind? Uh huh, whatever you need to tell yourself.😂


Nothing of the kind?!
You are aware that Russia did interfere with the 16 election?


It had nothing to do with Trump, hence no "Russian collusion". And let's be honest, they placed Facebook ads, so they still didn't really interfere. I know you lefties want to believe the country couldn't have legitimately voted Trump in, but they did. Deal with it.


It had all to do with adopting Russian babies. Whatever happened with that?


Of course it had nothing to do with Trump..., he's a straight shooter!


That's correct. The 3 year investigation (despite being a possibly illegal, certainly outside normal proprieties,investigation) agrees with you. I'm glad you came to your senses, there's hope for you yet.


Your’re right! All of Trumps associates are either in jail, indicted , under investigation or being stonewalled from talking.
A straight shooter on the level good guy!


You mean when Bubba said he didn't have sexual relations with that chubby intern? Where was the plausible deniablity, pray tell?

You mean when Schiff said he didn't know who the whistleblower was, and left leaning WaPo called him out for that lie? Where was the plausible deniablilty, pray tell?

You mean when Pelosi and staff all said it was solemn and somber day to vote for impeachment, and dems were taking selfies and clapping after the vote? Where was the plausible deniablity, pray tell?

You mean when Biden said he never spoke to his son about his business contacts and then there was a photo of him, his son and his business contacts playing golf? Where was the plausible deniablity, pray tell?

You mean when Warren said she was native American because of her Pow Wow Chow recipe and her DNA test came back as 1/1023th native American? Where was the plausible deniability, pray tell?

You mean when Hillary Clinton said she was under gun fire in Sarajevo and the footage showed her walking off the plane without any issues? Where's the plausible deniablity, pray tell?

The fact that are covering for democrats, only shows your idiotic and willful ignorance to the facts. Only a dunce would make such a stupid comment like this and your komrades on these boards aren't too bright. It puts you in context with your komrades. Stupid much? Obviously.🤪🤪🤪


15,413 and counting numbnutz!


Your skill at addition must make your parents proud. Good for you!🤪🤪🤪


It’s hard to keep up with the fool.
You try it sometime


Apparently tracking useless and pointless things gives you purpose in life. I won't take that away from you. 🤪🤪🤪


Are you saying your father says useless & pointless things?


Whatever makes you happy. I couldn't care less. 🤪🤪🤪


Eric, would you like your toast buttered?
