MovieChat Forums > Politics > Dems have been in office for DECADES and...

Dems have been in office for DECADES and yet...

- Biden has been in office for 44 years.
- Chuck Schumer for 38 years.
- Pelosi for 32 years.
- Maxine Waters for 28 years.

And yet they blame all of America’s problems on a guy who’s been in office for 2 years and 10 months wherein there have been 5.1 million jobs gained, unemployment fallen to 3.6% and GDP up 3.2% (positive stats which Dems/Libs HATE because they're obviously not FOR America).

Conclusion: Trump's not the problem, he's (part of) the solution. Dems & their media sycophants just don't want the voting public to know this.


Your conclusion is exactly why.
The Dems promise things they have no intention on fixing. They just want power and control.
If problems get fixed, they won't have anything to dangle in front of voters so they risk losing them. They have to keep up the charade.
How people have not woken up about this amazes me. Just look at any Democrat run city! It's a mess.

A good friend of mine is a life-long Democrat. She doesn't realize she's voting for some things she's very against by voting for them.


I just wonder how they keep getting re-elected over and over again. Its not like they are doing anything special.

The collective age is 305 years, with an average age of 76.


After purchasing a book from Williams and forgetting her name, Waters seemed overly concerned about getting back the $10 she was owed by the homeless person.
“And she’s so creative. She set up a really nice environment here, but she’s got all these educational books. And guess what? I bought the … Langston Hughes book, $10,” Waters said, waving around a $20 bill. “I need change.


Amen sister.

Pelosi is from SF. The land of human feces. It wasn’t always this way. Guess who else from there. Democrat Gavin Newsom who was the mayor and if now Governor.

Then you look at the Democrat capital of Chicago. The closest thing to a hometown for Obama outside of Kenya. Complete S hole. 100 shooting a week. Not a peep from the communist Democrat party media.

But some guy somewhere buys a chicken sandwich and it’s national news.


Yes Chicago, aka "MAGA country" 🙄😂
I lived there most of my life.
Obama did squat for Chicago. Eddie Johnson decided to retire...right after being found slumped over in his car claiming a medication mix-up but the new little mayor got it out of him that he had a "few drinks." Eddie Johnson didn't go to a recent police event because (boo-hoo) President Trump was going to be there and he was pouting about it.

But yes you're right, a story about a guy buying a chicken sandwich becomes national news. 🙄
Although...those Popeyes chicken sandwiches...blood has been spilled over those.


KFC chicken and donut sandwich is better.


Add on Diane Feinstein too. 28 years.

GOP needs to make an effort in California. Dems have a super majority, but CA is currently a travesty. A recall petition is currently in process to get rid of Pelosi's nephew from the Governor's office. A recall petition is currently in process to get rid of the LA mayor. San Fran is a literal shithole. People can look at California and see what the US would look like if the dems too control.

California is ripe for a red wave to sweep over. GOP can push out Schiff, Swalwell, replace Ms. Throuple's seat, and a few other areas, it would make a huge difference to the state. Maybe they can even get rid of Kamala Weedsmoker too.


40 Years 1981 to 2020 (next election.)

Democrats controlled President, House, and Senate 4 years.

GOP controlled President, House, and Senate 8 years.

No one runs for reelection promising that he will bring less pork to his district or state.


Does California look like an appealing state to move to?


Hell No. People flee that state in big numbers. High crime, forest fires, people shitting in the streets, poverty. Gross


You forgot high state taxes, Master of Coin.


The highest taxes. The highest Gas prices. The highest property prices.

A studio apartment in SF almost $4k mo. Gas is always .50- $1 more than the rest of the country. A run down 2bd dump anywhere in the state is $500k.

There are many great things about CA. They’re all natural wonders. The people who run the state have nothing to do with its greatness.


I agree with your last paragraph. That's what makes this such a sad, but possibly hopeful tale.



Their impeachment coup isn't panning out and they're sad.


It's impossible to believe that these were their "star witnesses"! I mean Schitt slanted this circus all his way (piece of garbage he is!) and it still collapsed under him! He flushed his career down the tubes and took Pelosi with him.
