MovieChat Forums > Politics > Democrats wrecked the healthcare industr...

Democrats wrecked the healthcare industry with Obamacare, still in place, yet try to blame Republicans.

It's lame revisionist history. The ongoing problems with Obamacare were correctly predicted by conservatives from the beginning and were manifesting themselves long before Trump came to office.




the only problems with obamacare was that people liked it and republicans set out to ruin it because they were bribed to by insurance companies. what do we need insurance companies for? explain that please?


LOL! I love that you show up just to spew the same inane lie easily debunked by the facts linked to in the op. Obama promised his bill would reduce premiums and it quickly did the opposite for most people, in addition to reducing choice and quality. These problems have been there since the beginning and will continue to get worse until the unAmerican monstrosity is finally repealed.


Premiums would be unafforadable for millions more people if not for ObamaCare ditship.
Also, they wanted to cap premiums, but your Republicans buddies would not allow that.
They also would not allow a public option.
Go look at a chart of premium rate of increase, and ObamaCare slowed it way down.
Than your Republican friends for lubing their health insurance corporation donors.
Dishonest POS.


Democrats passed Obamacare when they had a large majority in both houses without a single Republican vote, so Republicans didn't stop Dems from doing anything, halfwit. The rate of premium increase spiked under Obamacare (not that the rate should be assumed to be constant normally anyway, and Obama promised outright reductions; your talking point was weak partisan spin on multiple levels). You're too busy tripping over your own ignorant BS to formulate a real argument.

And actually only a tiny percentage of the population was involuntarily uninsured before Obamacare. Most Americans were insured and happy with their healthcare. The uninsured were mostly rich people who didn't need insurance, poor people already eligible for Medicaid but just not signed up (since it covered pre-existing conditions they didn't need to sign up until they used it), and young, healthy people who could afford some insurance but didn't want it. The small remainder could have been helped by tweaking the system (maybe expanding Medicaid or creating some new charitable incentive program) without flipping over the country's entire healthcare industry. But for the left it was all about seizing power and expanding government, not helping people. So they lied, as leftists do. Obamacare's architect even boasted about lying to the "stupid" American people. Except their lies failed to make it popular. Americans were smart enough to oppose it and have mostly elected Republicans since then. As for insurance, we wouldn't need it without the government intervention we already had driving up prices like it has with college loans. Third party payers insulate consumers from the real cost, and government backed pay guarantees demand no matter how much premiums or tuition are jacked up. The ones cleaning up aren't so much insurance companies but hospitals and colleges.


apparently you seem to think the President can set insurance prices


LOL! Do you read your own posts, moron?


what do we need insurance companies for? explain that please?

How many other types do you want to get rid of, how about:

@ home insurance

@ auto insurance

@ life insurance

@ workers comp insurance

@ flood insurance

@ pet insurance

@ vacation insurance

@ portfolio insurance

...why just health insurance then?


You have GOT to be kidding, right?

Obamacare was handmade by Liz Fowler and delivered to the Dems as an industrywritten bill. That's why Pelosi said we'd have to pass the bill to know what's in it.

Oh, you don't recall Liz Fowler?


When the legislation that became known as "Obamacare" was first drafted, the key legislator was the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus, whose committee took the lead in drafting the legislation. As Baucus himself repeatedly boasted, the architect of that legislation was Elizabeth Folwer, his chief health policy counsel; indeed, as Marcy Wheeler discovered, it was Fowler who actually drafted it. As Politico put it at the time: "If you drew an organizational chart of major players in the Senate health care negotiations, Fowler would be the chief operating officer."

What was most amazing about all of that was that, before joining Baucus' office as the point person for the health care bill, Fowler was the Vice President for Public Policy and External Affairs (i.e. informal lobbying) at WellPoint, the nation's largest health insurance provider (before going to WellPoint, as well as after, Fowler had worked as Baucus' top health care aide). And when that health care bill was drafted, the person whom Fowler replaced as chief health counsel in Baucus' office, Michelle Easton, was lobbying for WellPoint as a principal at Tarplin, Downs, and Young.

Whatever one's views on Obamacare were and are: the bill's mandate that everyone purchase the products of the private health insurance industry, unaccompanied by any public alternative, was a huge gift to that industry; as Wheeler wrote at the time: "to the extent that Liz Fowler is the author of this document, we might as well consider WellPoint its author as well."


What we need is something that neither party proposes: We need to totally revamp the healthcare system and go holistic. No more billions for fake research and millions for cures that are worse than diseases. All natural and drastically less expense methods should be the norm.


Those are already available. You shouldn't force them on people though or prevent scientific research into new drugs and treatments that are actually effective.


This could morph quickly into an anti-vaccine "holistic" war...


They could also do the pyramid thingies.




T-rump promised he would repeal and replace Obamacare the first week in Office. What happened?

The only thing he has succeeded at repealing and replacing is his administration and his staff.

Do explain.


You posted in the wrong thread. You must be looking for one of those floating around with extensive lists of Trump's accomplishments. Thanks for agreeing with me though about Obamacare still unfortunately being in place.


Nope right thread. I wouldn’t call repealing and replacing his own staff an accomplishment.

And I never agreed with you. I questioned you on T-rumps failed promise to his minions.

You appear to be after Sarah Hillbilly Sanders job with your spin.



You agree with me about Obamacare still being in place. The point of this thread. Try to keep up.


You said it was “ unfortunate”. I didn’t agree with that. I’ll ask again: why hasn’t T-rump repealed and replaced it like he promised ?


That's subjective. My point is that we agree Obamacare is still in place and therefore Democrats own it, whether it's wonderful and glorious (LOL!) or so riddled with crippling problems that Dems have tried to blame Republicans for it.


They wrecked it so badly, they got millions of people covered by insurance who weren't insurable before.


False. They got millions kicked off of their old insurance against their will and forced them into paying more for inferior coverage and access. They also signed up some people who were already eligible for Medicaid or other programs before anyway, but tens of millions are still uninsured like before because Democrats lied about the uninsured problem all along. Most of those people don't want or need insurance. Obamacare's biggest impact has been squeezing the middle class.


No one "needs" insurance until they get hurt or sick. Saying they don't need insurance because they're healthy is just stupid.



Or they're rich. Ignoring what I said is stupid. And I also mentioned those who "don't want" insurance, which includes lots of young, healthy people. Whether we think that's a good idea or not they could have afforded insurance before. They prefer to go without it. It is a free country. Thanks to Trump's victory.


Yes, they're either rich or they get liberal real quick when they are uninsured and lose the gamble they took by going without insurance.


Which fortunately usually didn't happen. They typically would finally get insurance once they got a little older. Obamacare really helped no one but a tiny percentage of the population, the truly involuntarily uninsured who didn't qualify for Medicaid, and it did so by screwing over the rest of the population, especially the middle class when those few people who really needed it could have been helped in ways less devastating to the country.

US life expectancy actually started going down during Obama's presidency instead of up like it pretty much always had before. Factors other than healthcare can shape LE, but in this case analysts said the decline has been due to a combination of more drug overdose deaths and diminishing gains from heart treatments no longer making up for those deaths. The decline in treatment gains began around 2010. Gee....what happened then? That's right. Obamacare was imposed on the nation.

But the leftist push for government healthcare was never really about helping people. It was about a power grab, as always.


A few people were given healthcare (those who were denied) at the expense of a few people who were demanded to get healthcare.

If you were too poor to afford it then you weren't demanded to get it.

Also. If you weren't poor and you could prove that you couldn't afford it then you also weren't demanded to get it.

Finally. If you weren't poor and you could afford it and chose not to then the penalty came out of your tax returns. This is what got Bill O'Reilly confused all those years ago. He thought the IRS would come knocking on your door if you couldn't pay up. But the reality is you either already paid up by having it subtracted from your returns or you were exempt from it because your returns did not cover it.

No matter how you slice it there was a way to avoid the fine regardless of your financial situation. But the people who followed what they were told and signed up for healthcare ended up getting the healthcare they were provided.

All the increases to healthcare happened because healthcare increases always happen. Because its driven by private companies for profit.


No, it's not just about the mandate, as insidious and unAmerican as that measure was. Obamacare wrecked the healthcare market with thousands of pages of regulations that restricted people's choice and access while driving prices up. Again, millions were even kicked off their existing health plans, which they mostly liked, because those plans were made illegal under Obamacare's frivolous, overly broad requirements -- the same sort of inefficient central planning that's made North Korea what it is today and has turned every communist country into a craphole. That's despite Obama's promise that "if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it", which even the leftist Washington Post dubbed the "Lie of the Year".


There was no driving of prices up. It simply refrained from keeping prices the same. As history has shown prices have never stayed the same. They have always gone up. Prices went up at the same rate the decade before Obamacare as they did the decade after it was implemented. We are literally seeing the same increase of healthcare costs that we were seeing pre-2010.

People that weren't allowed to stay with their doctors were given better options on the exchanges. Doctors were kicked off for giving junk insurance. Basically charging their customers the exact cost of their medication. Thats the opposite of what insurance is supposed to do. "Yeah but I liked my doctor. He was nice." Bleah bleah you were an idiot for overpaying. He charmed your pockets clean is what he did.

Yeah lets talk about North Korea. Because you're an idiot.


Hogwash. I'm not sure what piece of propaganda you're referring to but Obamacare wasn't even passed a full decade ago (it's still 2019, genius), and it was intentionally phased in by Democrats with much of the cost driving portions not being implemented until 2014. They wanted to postpone some of the nastier parts until after the 2012 election (the infamous Cadillac Tax wasn't scheduled to go into effect until 2018, though it's since been push back further). They also tried to hide the cost increases through tax payer bailouts to the insurance companies and massive deductible spikes, neither of which would show up in an analysis of premiums alone. But the premium spikes have been huge and unprecedented in recent years.

"Comparing the average premiums found in 2013 MLR data and 2017 CMS MIDAS data shows average exchange premiums were 105% higher in the 39 states using in 2017 than average individual market premiums in 2013. Average monthly premiums increased from $232 in 2013 to $476 in 2017, and 62% of those states had 2017 exchange premiums at least double the 2013 average."

I already linked to more details in the op. That burden is skewed worse to the middle class, despite Obama promising to "cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

Everything you said is false. People weren't given "better" options but fewer options, which most naturally consider worse. I never denied prices generally go up over time, for lots of reasons including the government intervention we already had (which was bad enough), but Obamacare has worsened it, especially for "typical" Americans. If you were smart enough to grasp basic economics and history you'd already understand this. You're the idiot.


It’s always fun to see people talk with such conviction about things they so very obviously have no clue about. No need to reply, I know will just be more nonsense cobbled together from other people’s nonsense you’ve read elsewhere.


A big clue that someone's ignorant is when he/she posts a vague barb devoid of any evidence or specific point supporting his/her claim.


And yet here you are, posting nonsense anyway.


Yawn. You're boring as well as stupid.


And yet, you can’t help but respond. Because you’re wum. You just want the reaction. Desperate attention seeking is a problem, you should seek help for such a personality disorder.


See? Thanks for the free thread bumps though.


Youre welcome. I know what little self-esteem you have comes from the attention you get from your wumming. Perhaps in future you could place a little more effort in your wum bait, then you might get more than just called out for being a wum. The real wums know how to make it last a bit longer, than just spewing easily debunked drivel.

Theres another thread bump, enjoy the rush of "winning".


I'm here because it's my thread and I'm curious how long you'll go without saying anything substantive or actually trying to "debunk" anything I've said. Four posts and about 10 lines so far, lol.


I see little point in debating with someone so obviously wumming.


5 and counting, lol.


Still 498 less than you, wum.






Which must be why they want to replace it with Medicare for all now - eh?

Who told you this was only a stalking horse for institutionalized national health "care" from the get go?

Uh huh.

You lot can never be honest about your goals, never.


They've been pulling that lie with slavery, the KKK, and Nazi Germany, claiming all 3 were done by people with right-leaning ideologies. Turns out, all this time they were projecting.

Democraps fought tooth and nail in the 1860s to keep slavery legal.

The KKK was started by Southern Democrats to terrorize black people after the Civil War.

Many left-leaning people, including Franklin Roosevelt, admired the Nazis before it wasn't cool anymore. If you look into how Hitler ran Germany for the regular people who WEREN'T Jewish or terrorized by the govt, you'll see a picture that is eerily similar to the liberal "paradise" that the left wants to force on America:


Something you might like to take a gander at is the lawsuit filed by black Minister Wayne Perryman against the DNC for over two centuries of institutionalized racism:

The 46-page brief systematically lists examples illustrating 210 years of racist statements and actions by the Democratic Party. The suit begins with showing how Democratic President Andrew Johnson “carried out the Democrat agenda by attempting to veto other key pieces of Civil Rights legislation that were designed to give and protect the constitutional rights of African Americans.”
The brief also says Democrats started and supported several terrorist organizations including the Ku Klux Klan. Various Democrats also argued against the passage of the 1964 Civil rights Act.

Regarding the Klan, Perryman references debates on the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. Quoting Sen. William Stoughton(R-Mi), the brief states, “The Ku Klux Klan organization exists throughout the State, has a political purpose and is composed of members of the Democratic or Conservative Party.”

Stoughton went on to say, “We may concede, Mr. Speaker, that if this system of violence is to continue in the South, the Democratic Party will secure the ascendancy.”

It's an eye-opener from start to finish!


The ideological shift is quite real and observable in history records.

Hitler took a broken country, that was under crushing debt from the great idea to saddle Germany with the full bill for world war 1, and turned them into a super power. He promised jobs, he promised a better standard of living, he promised infrastructure, and he delivered on everything. Yes, he was a nut job, but he pulled Germany out from under crushing debt. You’d have to be moron not to admire the man for he did in that regard.

Of course it’s hilarious that you point out hitler, yet here we all are. Looking at trumps America and it’s shocking just how similar the approach is to getting the population on side. Blame Jews, Roma, elites/Muslims, immigrants, elites. Get the propaganda out loud, and frequently:radio/twitter. Promises of return to greatness/make America great again. Lugenpresse/fake news. Hitler reduced his politicalopponents to “scum, vermin, parasites”/trump says “Mexican rapists, immigrants from shit hole nations, and leads the calls for treason against his political opponents. Hitler hardened Germany’s border, restricting travel to and from the country, and engaged in trade wars designed to benefit German industry. Trump bans Muslims, wants to build a wall on the Southern border, and has initiated trade wars with China, India, Europe, Canada, and Mexico. Hitler used the pretext of the Reichstag fire in 1933 to declare a “national emergency” justifying the exercise of unilateral Executive power. Trump has used multiple declarations of non-existent national emergencies to ignore Congress.

You demonize someone for admiring hitler, yet support a man who emulates him. That’s some next level hypocrisy right there.

In before “lies/fake news/libtard”.


"Hitler took a broken country, that was under crushing debt from the great idea to saddle Germany with the full bill for world war 1, and turned them into a super power. He promised jobs, he promised a better standard of living, he promised infrastructure, and he delivered on everything. Yes, he was a nut job, but he pulled Germany out from under crushing debt. You’d have to be moron not to admire the man for he did in that regard."

Wow. "Admire" seems a bit strong. One can objectively acknowledge someone's effectiveness, like saying Charles Manson was charismatic, without admiring him, let alone claim that only a "moron" wouldn't "admire" Hitler.

"Looking at trumps America and it’s shocking just how similar the approach is to getting the population on side. Blame Jews,"

You lose all credibility right there. Trump hasn't blamed Jews for anything and indeed has been attacked as a "Jew lover" by detractors. Prominent Democrats in Congress have accused him of being a "Zionist" puppet while the leftist rag NY Times recently published a reprehensible cartoon that employed old antisemitic tropes to mock Trump as a dog on Netanyahu's leash. Trump's son in law and daughter are Jewish, lol.

Everything else you say is BS too. Trump isn't remotely a Nazi. US liberals are closer to to National Socialists in tactics and policy preferences, from centralizing government control over the economy to raising taxes to confiscating privately owned guns to restricting free speech to supporting abortion to state healthcare and an expansive social welfare state. It's leftist activists like communist Antifa types who employ brown shirt tactics to smear and silence any dissent. From "the Overton Window" to the PC regime, leftists know they can't win honest debates so they seek to bypass them by redefining words and banning their opponents' positions. Dems are the ones who divide people through identity politics and pit them against each other.


And there was no "ideological shift". Dems have been the more leftist party since the left first arose in the US in the late 19th/early 20th Century. The segregationists were also mostly liberals, from progressive icon Woodrow Wilson (who resegregated the federal government that Republicans had desegregated) to Al Gore Sr., Dem Senate majority leader (and former KKK member) Robert Byrd, and Clinton’s mentor William Fulbright. Even infamous Dixiecrat George Wallace rejoined the Democrats after his third party presidential bid failed. Republicans, by contrast, have consistently opposed slavery, racial lynching, and racial discrimination, while championing individual liberty and a strong, prosperous country.


Admire, because it wasnt widely known how much a fucking nut job he was. I shouldnt have to explain hindsight.

Let me jsut double check that I didnt put in a typo there...Nope, youre the moron so often claim others to be. Learn to read sparky, then come back and we can pick this up again when your balls drop.


One might admire Hitler if you're a totalitarian moron I guess, as you clearly are, who couldn't foresee the dangers inherent in a titanic state centralizing power. The Communist Party USA loved their National Socialist cousins until Hitler betrayed their leader Stalin. They flipped on a dime overnight. It's hilarious watching the party of Ihlan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Audrey Gibson, Jesse Jackson, and countless other antisemitic nutjobs mindlessly call Trump anti-Jewish, LOL. Especially since from Israel's perspective we've just followed the worst president in US history (Obama) with the best (Trump).

PS - His Jewish daughter and son in law also don't seem to agree with you.


Nope. Seriously, learn to fucking read. Do you think hes blaming the roma by the way? Or did you just stop at jews and get on that high pony of yours? Ill type it out again and see if you can spot where you went wrong.

Blame Jews, Roma, elites/Muslims, immigrants, elites.

Do you see where you fucked up yet? Do you see it? I bet you dont. I bet youre going to double down on stupid.


You always this bitter when you get stomped in a debate? Seriously, calling Trump anti-Jewish is like claiming he's opposed to yellow hair and tall buildings. Again, your other lies aren't even worth addressing when you lead off with that. Hopefully even you're not as mindless as you're coming off here.


yup, doubling down on stupid. I called it. lol


Oh I see. In your edited posts you're only claiming that Trump treats Muslims the way Hitler treated Jews (murdered 6 million in concentration camps), and immigrants the way the Hitler treated Roma (murdered a quarter to half a million, roughly half their European population). And you feel that's somehow LESS moronic, LOL. Amazingly it might actually be more asinine than merely falsely accusing him of antisemitism. Of course it's BS on its face. Trump "blames" terrorists for terrorism and ILLEGAL immigrants for breaking our laws, and is absolutely right to do so. Trump just wants borders "hardened" to the point virtually every other nation has. The status quo is destabilizing. And China and other nations have been waging a one sided trade war against us for decades. He's simply seeking a fair deal for Americans.

"Trump bans Muslims"

Another stupid lie. He has, however, rightly condemned Islamist theocratic ideology for spawning terrorism and has mobilized many Muslim civic and religious leaders to do the same, most poignantly in his historic Riyadh speech, where he grandly praised the beauty, accomplishments, and potential of Islamic civilizations, praised the nations assembled for specific actions, and called for a future where "Young Muslim boys and girls should be able to grow up free from fear, safe from violence, and innocent of hatred", adding "When we see the scenes of destruction in the wake of terror, we see no signs that those murdered were Jewish or Christian, Shia or Sunni. When we look upon the streams of innocent blood soaked into the ancient ground, we cannot see the faith or sect or tribe of the victims – we see only that they were Children of God whose deaths are an insult to all that is holy."

Not exactly Hitlerian. Meanwhile my point still stands. Dems have way more in common with the Nazis than Trump or Republicans do.


lol edited posts. desperate not to look the muppet that you are.


Weak. You've definitely been stomped.

PS - "muppet"? What are you a Brit? At least use a punchy Britishism like "wanker". In America muppets are fun loving creatures people remember fondly from childhood.


I wonder who it is that youre so desperate to convince. Its it me, or yourself? I mean, it would be funny if it wasnt so clearly a cry for help.


I wonder who it is that youre so desperate to convince. Its it me, or yourself

Looks like you're getting tipsy. Knocked back a few too many pints at the pub? So what's your stance on Brexit? Hopefully you know more about your own politics than you do about America's.


Oh no. He got me on a typo. lol You win the internet, obviously. Wum.


Singular? You only saw one, lol? No, wanker,* this thread proves I'm no typo hound but at times it's getting so over the top it's silly. And you're not posting any substance. Maybe you're dodging because you don't know anything about British politics either.



I'm rather enjoying watching you stomp this worm into the pavement.


Accept that he isnt, unless your reading comprehension is sorely lacking also?


It's easy but fun because of the kind of guy he is. I see you're doing it too.


So, where are the death camps? Why is the news still able to trash him 24/7 without everyone getting arrested? How come the border hasn't been sealed? You still haven't been able to answer those questions. And I have yet to see our youth get involved in programs that teach them to be good little Americans, although libs love saying it's their "duty" to remind people of how not to be a racist and tolerant, when in fact they are being extremely intolerant towards those who voted for Trump. Not to mention the fact that it isn't Trump supporters who are trashing Jews right now. It's your beloved Democrap darlings over in Washington, and for some reason, the moguls over in Hollywood aren't saying a word about it.

Plus, I'm loving how the people below are feeding you your own words.


Are you sure you should be forcing that much straw into one post? think of the poor hay fever suffers.

So camps are fine as long as the dont have the word death in it?

I pledge allegiance to the flag of blah blah blah. every school day they say that mantra. Nationalism has been ingrained in American culture for...ever.

People can say whatever they want, but he dismisses it as "fake news". Calls anyone who speaks against him a liar. And now we know he orders people to "shut up" people that will speak against him. Well, you might not know that if you are stuck on fox news only. But its in the report. Take a look.

Someone else that cant read. I will however, give you the benefit of the doubt unlike that other person thats just a very obvious wum.

Hitler :Blame Jews, Roma, elites
trump : Blame Muslims, immigrants, elites.

Is that clearer? The whole paragraph was a comparison between the two. I dont see why it wasnt obvious, but never mind.

Now on to the tricky part. Youre going to hate this. Im not a democrat. I think they are just as bad as trump. The best thing I could say about Hilary was that for a granny, she could work an email pretty well. The rest of DNC are corrupt as fuck. Theres nothing I will say to defend them.

If we could all stop seeing ourselves as the "red" team and the "blue" team. Maybe we could actually have a country that isnt a complete shambles. Maybe, instead of looking for what makes us different we could look to see what makes us the same? We all want whats best for our families and our fellow countrymen right? So we disagree on how to go about that. Does that mean it needs to be such a shit show? On line sure, its on line. but people are paid to represent the people. And the arent doing that. They are representing their respective parties and the people are the ones stuck in the middle getting screwed. Dont knee jerk an answer, just think about it.


Aside from edits changing your posts, in fairness you're also a shitty writer. To wit:

"Hitler reduced his politicalopponents to “scum, vermin, parasites”/trump says “Mexican rapists, immigrants from shit hole nations, and leads the calls for treason against his political opponents."

You put the first quotation mark before "Mexican rapists......but just trail off without closing it (it wasn't an accurate quote anyway). He didn't even say the "shit hole" comment, though you imply that's a quote, and I'm not sure what "leads the calls for treason against his political opponents" even means. Are you accusing Trump of wanting to commit treason against his opponents, or are you accusing Trump of implying his opponents are guilty of treason.....the opponents who have been attacking and mocking him and his supporters as traitors in the control of Moscow daily for two years now?

Trump calls DISHONEST media "fake news". Hilariously "fake news" was actually coined by leftists, you mindless hypocrite. Trump has used it more effectively because 95% of the media has disgraced itself by routinely lying and exhibiting grotesque bias in its daily war against him since before he even took office. That propagandistic behavior is Nazi-like, along with the suppression of dissenting conservative speech at universities, the entertainment industry, and social media platforms. Verbally holding it accountable is not Nazi-like. It's very American. The media is even less popular among Americans than Congress is, which is saying a lot, and for good reason.

"Maybe, instead of looking for what makes us different we could look to see what makes us the same?"

That's precious considering you've done nothing but attack people since you arrived, from falsely calling me a Wind Up Merchant to moronically trying to equate Trump with Hitler, LOL. Funny how you close by attacking the elite political establishment as Trump has, a trait you used to try to tie him to Hitler.


Fake news




fake news. I dont read fake news from very obvious wums.


You clearly don't read much period. It's also amusing how you call for people to unite in the same post where you disparage and dismiss "nationalism" and the Pledge of Allegiance. You can't even get through a paragraph without tripping over yourself.

One thing about Trump. I've never heard him attack regular Americans, even liberals. He wants liberals to vote for him. He attacks individual celebrities and politicians, usually after they attack him first. By contrast liberals routinely attack regular American voters in vile ways. Which is more Hitler like?


You are so precious. A wum, but precious.


"trump...leads the calls for treason against his political opponents."

Do you even remember what you meant when you posted that? I'm genuinely curious.


Of course you are. You have the attention span of a goldfish. Im sure youre curious about a great many things, over, and over, and over, and over again.

So this is why no one wants to talk to you. The tedious nature of arguments are nothing short of prescription level hypnotics.

I bet you sit at your little computer and giggle when you think youve said something funny. Its just ashame that you arent funny, at least not in the way that you think. Youre funny in the way that guests on the jerry springer show are funny. You wouldnt want to be one of those people, but you dont mind laughing at their sad pathetic attempts to sound interesting, or that they have a clue; for a time. No, youre the type of wum that can only claim false victories because you know, real deep down, that youre talking a lot of shit.

And the real kicker is that I know youll never stop talking shit, because you have a pathetic need that only someone with a really small penis can know. You need to get the last word to feel as though you won something. You know youll never win anything, not even the love of a beautiful woman. Or an ugly woman for that matter. Youll die alone in a basement clutching to the cum stained tatters of old valentines cards your mother sent you. Your last thoughts will be of this conversation, and how much you wish you could have had the last word. And yet you cant, as I click the reply button followed by the ignore button. Youll try to comfort yourself with thoughts of your mothers touch and how you longed for it to be more. But it wont work. The need to get the last word so pathetic, the inability to do so will haunt you until the end. Goodbye wum. Id say its been fun, but that would be fake news.


So I guess that's a "no" on you remembering what you were trying to say there.


Bigworm on Adolf Hitler:

You’d have to be moron not to admire the man for he did in that regard.


He claims only morons wouldn’t admire Hitler up until it became widely known what a "nut job" he was. It’s unclear at what point Bigworm feels that was. He praises Hitler for fixing Germany’s debt, providing infrastructure and jobs, turning Germany into a superpower, and delivering on all of his promises. Sounds like Bigworm admires Hitler until pretty late in his reign.

As for Bigworm's general idiocy, he failed to address almost any substantive point you or I posted. BTW, check out his meltdown, lol. He got so pissed he posted an insane (clearly projection-filled) rant and claimed to put me on "ignore" (or pretended to). Usually it takes more than one stomping to get under someone's skin to that degree. He must be unusually weak; can dish it out but can't take it.


My wife and I had fairly decent health insurance, but the moment obamacare took effect our premiums more than doubled, our copayments doubled, our deductible went from $500.00 to $2,000.00 (each), our coverage plummeted, and our doctors stopped taking our insurance.

Thanks Obama!


We had a similar though not quite as costly hike in premiums, then again one of us went from $375/month to $1,375/month!

In roughly the years 2004-2014...the lion's share of hikes after this unread bill passed. That said the industry was certainly pre-charging in anticipation prior to passage.
