mergaqui's Replies

I think it was an interesting choice to contrast a sleek looking future design with a grittiness I agree. The album is one of the most critically acclaimed ever, but outside of that track it didn't really click with me. This procedure shouldn't even be legal. The show has gotten progressively worse with each new season. It might be they didn't highlight the full spectrum of his criminal activity because his most interesting crimes involved higher profile targets. She's grown on me a little, but there's a reason she was picked as the love interest of Jonah Hill in Superbad. He didn't have much of a career before and when you become known for basically one role then it becomes harder to get work after. It happens to TV actors all of the time. Lol I wonder if he will end up having a career again. I'm sure if ratings were good enough they would have kept it going. It's a 10. One of the greatest songs of all time. I have no interest in it no matter who they cast. Once. Thought it was overly melodramatic. One of the problems is them trying to flesh out the Star Wars universe too much. Most people don't care about the Star Wars universe. They didn't care where Chewbacca came from, they didn't care about the history of the Jedis, they didn't care about the Mandalorians, they just cared about the simple story in the original trilogy. If they want people to care again then they have to get simple again. Explaining everything takes the fun out of it. They weren't going to kill off Homelander yet. He's the whole show. Don't expect him to die until the last episode of the final season, which will be the next one. His son will be the one to kill him, probably to save Butcher or avenge his death. I always wanted to see a live action Superman movie in the style of the 1940s Fleischer cartoons. He has one of the most powerful. He could kill almost any superhero that can't fly or that isn't invulnerable by teleporting them a mile high into the sky and letting them drop while he teleports back to safety. They made a very well written and thoughtful post. You seem more like a troll to be honest. According to he'd be worth $38,223,407.71. Back to 71% as of 6/21/2024.