MovieChat Forums > What's My Line? (1950) Discussion > This show makes you think

This show makes you think

The one really good thing about this show is that it is easy to compare all kinds of things to the modern world.

Even the world of 1980s and 1990s was drastically different to this show's world.

People dressed for TV, for example. There was a bit of cute 'clumsiness', as no one knew what to do with this new media, or what formats would work the best. There were stupidly annoying corporatisms already in place (the corporation names flashed everywhere annoy the heck out of me), but for the most part, people treated the show, the media, the format and each other with deep respect and very gracious behaviour.

One interesting thing is the audience reactions. When you watch something like old Dr. Phil episodes, let alone any modern scenario, where there are women in the audience, when a male celebrity walks on stage... I mean, the screaming is something that would drive even actual banshees crazy.

But even the wildest 'audience goes wild'-moments are EXTREMELY tame compared to 'modern audiences' - it's like comparing a pack of drunk, wild half-demons screaming for blood without any inhibitions to a regular group of actual human beings that simply want to express their adolation and gratitude with a little bit of cheer thrown into the mix.

Another fascinating point is the usage of language, of course. Back then, they seem to have known how to use apostrophes, punctuation and even the Oxford Comma correctly! Imagine that.. there WAS a time, when english speakers knew how to speak and write english. Wow!

Their speech patterns are also about two hundred times more eloquent than anything you hear in modern times, regardless of where you hear it (unless it's in your dreams, in my posts or outside this planet).

Imagine some 'Avril Lavene' - -

(I am not even going to check how it's supposed to be written, so if it's wrong, it's deliberate, just because of how idiotic this kid is) or any 'modern celebrity of your choice' - or any of the people from those 'Gen Z can't answer basic questions'-videos

- - being on the panel and asking the japanese celebrity some kind of questions, or trying to figure out what the 'female men's barber' does... 'Sup, bra'-style lingo is a sad testament to how far people have fallen and this show is a marker in history of where they fell from.

I don't even think the hairstyles look very 'antiquated' or weird - hair is hair. I guess I don't really care about hairstyles enough to see them, as long as there IS hair.

That's another weird thing - so many short-haired women in this show, that COULD be pretty good-looking, if they had long hair. It's like women with eyeglasses... they would be pretty good-looking, if they weren't wearing eyeglasses.

I always wonder about that nerdy balding guy with nasal, weak voice. I mean, does he have a wife? What does he do for fun? What kind of life does he live.. is he happy? Could men like THAT be happy back in the day? So many questions..

Another odd thing is, how low women's voices were back in the day. They sound almost like men's voices somehow - was this considered 'sexy' back in the day?

In any case, after watching modern 'reality TV' stuff, this show seems so cute and charming, because people are behaving SO incredibly well in the show. Even 'Groucho Marx', which basically 'disrupts the whole show', actually waits for others to speak instead of constantly interrupting.

Do people ever let each other speak in modern times anymore? It seems like everyone interrupts each other constantly these days.

(I don't like the other side, either, where people 'accidentally' talk over each other and then have to use the 'I was just gonna say'-spell before being able to say something)

All in all, this show makes you compare modern times to other eras and realize something went DEEPLY wrong at some point in history, if people could be this charming back in the day and now they are all fat, tattooed cows that can't speak words longer than three characters, and even those they spell wrong, while speaking over each other and screaming like banshees (or worse) and have the kind of entitlement that would put Groucho Marx himself to shame.

Watching this show, it's easy to be nostalgic and miss the simpler, better times... and realize, those really DID exist.


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.


They made a very well written and thoughtful post. You seem more like a troll to be honest.


You obviously haven't looked at their edit history. And AI can write as well as this person.
