MovieChat Forums > Matthew Fox Discussion > Whatever happened to Matthew Fox from LO...

Whatever happened to Matthew Fox from LOST?

He had a bad run of movies. His role in world war z was completely cut. He gave an incredibly dedicated performance in the utterly shitty box office bomb Alex Cross. And Bone Tomahawk he got some buzz but it wasn’t exactly a huge hit on amazon or anything. He’s also, according to many reports, an asshole. He was also in trouble for drunkenly getting into the wrong limousine, demanding the driver take him home, and hitting her when she refused. There have been other reports of abuse. That sort of thing takes a toll. There were rumors that a lot of the cast of lost was very close knit but he was not a part of that.


Oddly I think he did fine in Speed Racer.


I'd heard reports of really dick-ish behaviour. That said, I just watched him in Bone Tomahawk, and against all expectations I found him to be the best thing in it (in a generally excellent cast).


Wasn't he just? In the "good" post in the B.T. forum I mention he made me choke up, which is incredibly rare for me and horror films.


not much of that is true to be honest.

He had a bad run of movies. His role in world war z was completely cut. He gave an incredibly dedicated performance in the utterly shitty box office bomb Alex Cross. And Bone Tomahawk he got some buzz but it wasn’t exactly a huge hit on amazon or anything. He’s also, according to many reports, an asshole. He was also in trouble for drunkenly getting into the wrong limousine, demanding the driver take him home, and hitting her when she refused. There have been other reports of abuse. That sort of thing takes a toll. There were rumors that a lot of the cast of lost was very close knit but he was not a part of that.


Trump wasnt impeached.

You can edit and re-edit all you want, Jo! 😂

But this is not the place. Take it back here


He didn't have much of a career before and when you become known for basically one role then it becomes harder to get work after. It happens to TV actors all of the time.


Great Actor and I would say one of the most underated of his generation. He basically left acting outside that short miniseries he did for Peacock last year. Whatever abuses scandals he had are in the past as far as I know. Lots of actors/directors get set up, attacked, etc. in Hollywood as its basically a den of serpents that will eat their own. They will also cover up for their own. MANY, MANY examples of both throughout the years.

Fox is an intense guy and I always suspected he didnt play ball with the right individuals which led to him basically leaving hollywood. Cant say Ive ever seen him give a bad performance and he has crossed into every genre which takes some skill. His run of films after Lost was pretty solid although not huge financial hits but I never got the feeling Fox wanted to be a movie star or celebrity. He seems to avoid attention as much as possible. Its a shame his fans missed out on a lot of his best years in terms of acting though. Like most intense actors that put in 110% effort hes been labelled as difficult but I would say thats just part of the deal. Very Long List of great actors throughout history fit that category. Brando maybe being the most famous but people seem to overlook it.

Seems that Fox is primarily an introvert. Thats tough on superstars long term and LOST basically catapulted him to stardom when nobody expected it. If my memory is right his character was supposed to die early on. His body of work is solid though. Hes basically the best part of whatever film he is in including films. Its a shame we didnt get to see more of him as he has lots of depth.


Great Actor and I would say one of the most underated of his generation. He basically left acting outside that short miniseries he did for Peacock last year. Whatever abuses scandals he had are in the past as far as I know. Lots of actors/directors get set up, attacked, etc. in Hollywood as its basically a den of serpents that will eat their own. They will also cover up for their own. MANY, MANY examples of both throughout the years.

Fox is an intense guy and I always suspected he didnt play ball with the right individuals which led to him basically leaving hollywood. Cant say Ive ever seen him give a bad performance and he has crossed into every genre which takes some skill. His run of films after Lost was pretty solid although not huge financial hits but I never got the feeling Fox wanted to be a movie star or celebrity. He seems to avoid attention as much as possible. Its a shame his fans missed out on a lot of his best years in terms of acting though. Like most intense actors that put in 110% effort hes been labelled as difficult but I would say thats just part of the deal. Very Long List of great actors throughout history fit that category. Brando maybe being the most famous but people seem to overlook it.

Seems that Fox is primarily an introvert. Thats tough on superstars long term and LOST basically catapulted him to stardom when nobody expected it. If my memory is right his character was supposed to die early on. His body of work is solid though. Hes basically the best part of whatever film he is in including films. Its a shame we didnt get to see more of him as he has lots of depth.
