Grains wtf?

Its just ridiculous that they have no other means to produce food with their advance technology, might have been a better movie if its more of a fantasy than sci-fi IMHO.


they using grain to protect themselves, as a shield in the 2nd part hahaha


you missed the part where veldt farmers purposefully live simple lives (~Amish/indigenous)

Imperial army doesn't need to produce when they can just travel around taking

pretty clear


well i watch it on youtube recap lol , they could have some kind automationfor food production or just have direct control over the main sources of food production planets so they would not have to go around plundering like bandits


resources for maintaining food production takes away from resources for maintaining the imperial army. you know how real world mob and cartels just go around strongarming local businesses to giving them a cut or paying the consequences? so why don't they just run their own businesses? obviously the former must be more efficient. their specialty is criminal underworlding not businessing. likewise imperial army's specialtiy is warring not farming.

if we're going to theorycraft about automation, why ask a stupid question about automating food? better question would be: why don't they just automate imperializing (taking over planets, enslaving people, killing armies etc)? that question is 1,000 times better


My point is they should have secure their food sources by taking control of the best food production planets.

its just silly that the grains could serve as some kind of shield, if its that important then all the more reason that they should have allocated enough resources to guarantee their food supplies.


they may or may not have best food production planets secured elsewhere. that's never discussed

the admiral noble is way out in that veldt system because they're specifically looking for rebels who have been attacking their supply ports, and they're low on food supply because searching is taking too long. they want to use the veldt grain for the time being, that they are in the veldt's system searching for the rebels. the entire situation is explicitly detailed in the dialog. your concerns are addressed by what we can infer here

i find youtubers particularly often are lazy and wrong so often, especially when their review is negative. they are just in haste to criticize anything that they often get basic things wrong or reason poorly. they put in minimal effort, but they do loop footage in the background of their script to give the illusion of depth to their bad analysis. a lot of those guys just arent that bright either which doesnt help.

i guess i dont have an opinion about grains stopping lasers. sandbags stop bullets in real life. no word yet whether sandbags stop imperial lasers in real life. if the veldt grain (millled first?) is dense or otherwise counters the properties of the lasers why not. various surfaces obviously stop them throughout the movies. grain does exist as a physical matter with whatever certain properties. whatever.. can't get worked myself up enough on that one 🤷‍♂️. it's silly to discount grain shields though.. lots of crazy material shit exists already in our real world even


That's one of the many problems with these movies. The world-building is half-assed. It looks cool but it does not really make sense.
