MovieChat Forums > Melton > Replies

Melton's Replies

Guilty of sensual assault She has a skank energy in this, like a medium class whore + mom. It’s also kinda creepy that she likes getting beaten in face by Jeffrey, and punched in the snatch by Frank. Not really. Love the film and the actors, but Kyle’s a baby in this, and I always found Isabella a bit too slutty, and her 80’s hair and mumsiness in this don’t help. She’s still a hottie, to be sure, but ‘hottest ever’? Nah. I love how De Niro responds by smashing his head first on the table, then into the window. Another woke maggot emerges, with the usual bag of straw. A credibly multiracial cast including a plausible percentage of multi-racial relationships is perfectly normal and non-woke, so you’ve lied there. The black kid is on the side of evil in this season, which was the topic of discussion, the fact that he (like all of the characters) has moral shades and a journey is irrelevant. Of course, you know all this but hoped you could swindle some readers into thinking you had some valid points. Unfortunately your dishonest woke trickery failed instantly. It’s funny that you misinterpret Johnny’s attacks on the woke ‘pussy generation’ as mocking him. He’s the hero of the show and he’s objectively correct. The woke kids are pathetic until he coaches them out if it. Seems you missed the point there. Let’s see some more pathetic defence of wokism… That doesn’t surprise me. Male feminists are very protective over women… until they’re inevitably caught molesting them. I think they might smell like oil. Yep. As great as Alien is, Aliens somehow manages to exceed it. Obviously there’s the riveting action, but its secret weapon is its great, likeable, endlessly-quotable characters. Sigourney was nominated for an Oscar for her portrayal of Ripley in Aliens, that tells you something about how Cameron nailed it I’m afraid your review says nothing about Aliens - a stone cold classic and an exemplar of great screenwriting and direction - and a lot about your attention span and taste in film. There was a point when male stars went from icons of masculinity to soy-boys that nobody really wants to go see. This occurred roughly 10 years ago. Yeah, wokies like yourself, not normal people. Normal people are tired of your woke shit, and we’re really happy to see you rage out as your sick ideology slowly dies. Please, continue… I was surprised they defeated Terry Silver so easily, he’s a fantastic villain and it felt like they’d nerfed him at the end. I hope the creators find a way to spring him from police custody. If nothing else, Kreese needs to get his revenge on Silver. I doubt they’d let that thread drop. Look at that, a woke maggot has crawled out of the anus of Disney+ to try and silence me 🤣 Woke and inclusive are mutually exclusive. Cobra Kai is very inclusive, but very non-woke. That’s why it’s a great success. Nah, Cobra Kai is actually well written, it’s one of the few modern shows not being shat out by retarded ‘writers’ or AI. Delayed thanks to the asshole writers strike. Could be late this year but most likely next. Waingro brought the Heat. It’s not the texture of her hair that’s slug-like, it’s the shape. A big slug with Breneman’s face. Breneman is a 7, she’s fine, she just needed better hair. What does this have to do with the characters played by Rollins and Fitchner in Heat?