MovieChat Forums > Melton > Replies

Melton's Replies

The human boy is Quarritch’s biological son. How Jake came to be in possession of him as a baby isn’t explained. Look at all of that impotent rage 🤣 and now your bitching-out includes homoerotic fantasies about sucking cock and eating ass?? Try to keep your sexual proclivities to yourself, this is a movie discussion forum. Again, you said ‘he doesn't get cast for non action roles anymore’. Evidently he does. You blurted out an assertion before checking the facts and got it wrong. Rather than admit it and move on, you’ve chosen to bitch-out and deploy some weak-ass sophistry. You're just embarrassing yourself now. Shifting the goalposts and turning into a squealing bitch won’t stop you from being wrong. You said ‘he doesn't get cast for non action roles anymore’. Evidently he does. You blurted out an assertion before checking the facts and got it wrong. Rather than admit it and move on, you’ve chosen to bitch-out and deploy some weak-ass sophistry. I’ve taken a screenshot of your original comment in case you’re contemplating editing it to fit your narrative. Weird that Gen Bitch find him intimidating. I couldn’t think of a less imposing male actor than Daniel ‘Potter’ Radcliffe 🤣 Radcliffe has turned into a decent actor but he’s far too boy-ish to play Wolverine. He has tiny hands and zero gravitas - far from the intimidating animal that Jackman can become. A few possibilities: When Jack enters he behaves a bit like a mob boss protective of his daughter. Friends has quite a lot of movie references and characters humorously slipping into genres (remember the jellyfish story?) Jack’s hat gives him the 50’s mobster look. As a bonus to the above, Elliot Gould was in Bugsy Malone. Could be a 4th wall breaking gag? Selleck was originally set to play Indiana Jones until Magnum P.I. yanked him back. Possibly another 4th wall breaker implying Jack has been trying on Richard/Selleck’s Indy hat. This is less likely as it doesn’t explain the ‘I don’t know’. What fascinated Kubrick was the point where the psychic ends and the supernatural begins. Kubrick is also obsessed (like Polanski) with great hidden powers that secretly control us - the ‘aliens’ and their obelisks in 2001, the secret society of perverted elites in Eyes Wide Shut, the mad politicians in the War Room in Strangelove etc etc. In The Shining the hotel is haunted by ghosts who are a residue of the evil events that occurred there, including the slaughter of Indians who objected to the hotel being built on their land. The hotel’s history leaves traces ‘like burnt toast’ and gradually they psychically destroy Jack and possess him, turning him into a killer so that the evil can continue. At the end we see that Jack has been absorbed into the hotel’s dark history. Plus cute with big eyes and breasts. A great all-rounder. <blockquote>you said "a bunch of drama and thrillers". Those are unnamed movies. </blockquote> Right, well go on imdb and you’ll be able to see all their names. <blockquote>Once again, it's a fact that he doesn't get leading roles in big budget movies that aren't action, and hasn't for a while. </blockquote> New goalposts. I’m challenging your original assertion which was that ‘he doesn't get cast for non action roles anymore’. Evidently he does. I’m not using the latest Bill & Ted as an example of good acting, I’m using it - along with the other examples I mentioned - to counter your claim that ‘he doesn't get cast for non action roles anymore’. Evidently he does. What are ‘unnamed movies’? I like it but it’s a major step down from 1 and it’s overrated. The pacing gets quite flabby in the middle. Lots of Dewey and Gale ‘drama’ which drags, and is accompanied by the very distracting use of the (excellent) Broken Arrow score. The fact that they just threw in the temp score betrays how rushed the film was. Despite Randy saying that sequels have gorier kills, this is actually much tamer than 1. There’s nothing here that remotely compares to the gutting of Casey and Steve in Scream’s legendary opening scene. The killer reveal is underwhelming. Mickey was, as someone above said, a tag-along. The first film really messed with your head with Billy - first you suspect him, then you don’t, then you do, then you completely discount him once he gets ‘stabbed’, only for it to be him all along. You could argue that Stu was a tag-along but he just made a much deeper impression because of his brilliant portrayal by Lillard. Mrs Loomis is an idea that works, but seeing this cackling bug-eyed goofy housewife wielding a knife was more funny than scary. Apparently they had to re-tool the killers once the script leaked, so not only was the film rushed to capitalise on the success of Scream, it then needed urgent last-second rewrites to change the killers. I wish they’d taken the time to really nail the script and make everything feel ‘of a piece’ rather than arbitrary. Saying all that, there’s plenty I really like about the film and as far as slasher sequels go it’s well above what we had any right to expect. The truly great Scream sequel is actually Scream 4, a vastly underrated movie where they were able to take the time to get it right. Needless to say, 5 and 6 (and the no doubt equally shitty and woke 7) are atrocious, and even make Scream 3 look like a masterpeice. I can’t comment on the authenticity of his accent, I don’t doubt a Southerner could pick it apart but I didn’t find it distractingly bad at all. In fact, some of his delivery is hilarious ‘Is he cut, or not?’, ‘…I call Melissa Black’. I was impressed by some of his heavier acting moments, especially when Theron slashes her throat and is bleeding out. If he was overacting with Pacino I didn’t notice - Pacino has made a career of overacting and I love it. Reeves has been cast in plenty of non-action films of late. He did Bill & Ted, a bunch of dramas and thrillers, and lots of voice work. His small role in The Neon Demon as a psychotic motel owner was genuinely intimidating. He’s one of the few remaining movie stars. Are you trolling? That’s obviously Reeve’s voice dubbed over Pacino. Reeves is no great actor but he’s a solid leading man with a unique charm and a certain ‘purity’ to him. That said, he does a very good job here, going toe-to-toe with the great Pacino. The only role where he’s unequivocally terrible is Bram Stoker’s Dracula, but in that case his bad acting actually adds to the camp comedy of that film. When was it used in The Devil’s Advocate? Never noticed it and it likely has no greater significance. I always thought Scream 3 was the weakest, but that film is a masterpiece compared to 5 and 6. I guess 3 is still the worst… since 5,6 and the undoubtedly shitty and woke 7 are not canon. Well, he’s gonna be an inmate for a long-ass time. In today’s world it’s not ‘both sides’, that dialogue applies only to the Left. Again, the difference is that for the Right, it is immoral to cheat. For the Left, it is immoral to lose. Well, Lucas re-edited The Trilogy and added special effects and audio changes which turned them to shit.