MovieChat Forums > Melton > Replies

Melton's Replies

That is correct. He did. It did. I go with III because Terry Silver is just so comically evil and, while I genuinely enjoy the Danny-Miyagi relationship, I can’t take these films all that seriously. II is a bit too restrained and lacking in karate, III leans into the absurdity of this friendly, good-natured kid constantly attracting psychotic karate bullies 🤣 Ali, she was heavier and more spirited. I don’t think authenticity is a huge concern for the filmmakers. They filmed ‘Okinawa’ in Hawaii, and the actor playing the villain was Hawaiian, plus most of the karate moves and techniques are bullshit. Notice also how everyone in ‘Okinawa’ speaks to each other in broken, stilted English. Kumiko’s kimono is the least of the film’s credibility problems. <blockquote>Why are these movie board commenters so external and superficial, fight-oriented apes instead of understanding that these movies are all about the INTERNAL, not about the external? If anything, they're SYMBOLIC, not realistic. If anything, they show what karate IS, not what karate moves LOOK like.</blockquote> Bullshit. Your film has ‘karate’ in the title you need to deliver. You can still have lots of wisdom-dispensing <i>and</i> show us some beat-downs, The Matrix struck a good balance. Also, in the rare moments we actually saw some fighting… it wasn’t great. Miyagi’s attack on Chozen and his gang was poorly choreographed. It doesn’t have to be Jackie Chan but let’s see some eyebrow-raising moves in keeping with Miyagi’s supposed reputation as a beast. Ironically, the best fight was Miyagi vs Kreese with the car windows at the start. Stow the bigotry dude. Daniel-san is gender-fluid and identifies as non-binary. It’s not for you to determine whether or not Ali ruined his bonus-hole. Daniel’s so dumb he doesn’t understand the moral issues with murder and its legal consequences? Wow. I love how cartoonishly evil the KK villains are. Miyagi is literally saving this crusty old guy’s life and he’s yelling at him ‘YOU ARE LOWER THAN A DOG!’ WTF!? 🤣 I enjoy it as one if the trashier King movies, I like the setup of the town and Devil setting up shop, but it never really convinces me that these items are super-special. A corny electric shock effect and flashback don’t really sell it. It’s also not convincing that normal people would start skinning pet dogs etc. The book did a much better job of showing how the objects made the buyer feel. That said, the cast is great, especially Von Sydow, and so is the music. I saw it 15 years ago because of the hype and was… underwhelmed. It was alright, nice simple set-up but didn’t really go anywhere interesting. I’d like to see it again, see what I missed, but your post has reminded me how meh it was. Shhh. Never interrupt an obnoxious twat when they’re nuking their own career. It’s quite funny - Disney shoves this diversity hire front and centre, hoping we’ll all be non-racist and embrace a brown Snow White and see the beauty within… and the actress instantly turns out to be a horribly narcissistic blabbermouth 🤣 Nobody is going to see this shit, and Zegler has nuked her career before it started. Hollywood will try to force her onto audiences for a while longer until it’s clear that she’s a repugnant Tinseltown AOC who nobody wants to see, and then they’ll drop her like a hot turd. Of course, the anti-capitalist show creators want to make lots of sweet sweet money with extra seasons… There’s gambling for money, then there’s gambling with your life with almost certain odds of death - nope, nobody would do that unless they were clinically insane or suicidal. I agree that he would also never abandon his daughter like that, visiting her would be the first thing he’d do after getting out, but of course the creators want the sweet extra money of a second, third, fourth season - very capitalistic and greedy of them which is ironic given how critical they are of capitalism in Squid Game. The odds of winning are absurdly small. You’re not going to be of much use to your family if you’re dead, and in fact your death would be far more devastating to them than some financial troubles. Bad writing. It was shoddy filmmaking. The way they were written and acted was atrocious, they’re a crude attempt at rendering greedy capitalist Americans and of course one of them is a homosexual pervert. They stand out because the rest of the series is mostly superbly handled, but the weird commie, anti-capitalist messaging and crass anti-Americanism really lets it down. It was shoddy filmmaking. The way they were written and acted was atrocious, they’re a crude attempt at rendering greedy capitalist Americans and of course one of them is a homosexual pervert. They stand out because the rest of the series is mostly superbly handled, but the weird commie, anti-capitalist messaging and crass anti-Americanism really lets it down. Even the fat naked guy? It was actually really refreshing to have an all-white cast in Scream, it made sense too given that it was a rural, white picket fence town. Screams 5 and 6 went hardcore woke with its new ultra-diverse Woodsboro, mixed race couples, minority armour for the leads, nasty deaths for white characters (<spoiler>including beloved straight white male legacy hero Dewey who gets skewered and hoisted into the air by a tiny girl</spoiler>) and of course exclusively white villains. Needless to say, I don’t consider those films canon at all. Scream ends at 4 and died along with Craven.