MovieChat Forums > Melton > Replies

Melton's Replies

<blockquote>I hate Rollins in general however for possibly being complicit in his boyfriend's murder</blockquote> Rollins and Fitchner were lovers?? <blockquote>Hanna arrives and picks Eady out in the crowd, a woman who looks to be waiting anxiously for a loved one. Hanna is able to put two and two together</blockquote> I don’t know about this, did Hanna really locate Neil because he saw some random woman ‘anxiously waiting’ during a fire alarm? She could be waiting for a kid or a friend. Maybe I missed it but I never thought Hanna saw Eady waiting as some kind of ‘clue’. Supple. You don’t see the dog getting killed, only the aftermath where its head has been severed and its belly cut open with some innards spilling out. Very disturbing image, it freaked me out as a kid. It’s great. In a sane world Hollywood would be tossing projects at Verhoeven, one of the most exciting and successful directors out there, but after Hollow Man they basically gave him the boot. Which is ridiculous because HM is a perfectly entertaining little sci-fi horror with incredible effects. Of course. Denzel is 70, he’s not going to want to lay waste to roomfuls of beefy young bad guys, and even if he wanted to he’d look ridiculous doing it. Tbh the Equalizer films have always been light on action with a lot of drawn out ‘drama’. I love Denzel and I like the series but there’s a limit to how excited I can get about a septuagenarian action hero. No way, he’s still making groundbreaking classics. Hateful Eight is my favourite QT film, and OUATIHollywood was fantastic, featuring Brad Pitt’s greatest ever character. QT films feel more fresh and exciting than ever, especially as Hollywood descends ever further into a toilet of safe, bland, politically correct tedium. You’ll get your wish soon, though. Tarantino is making one more movie, and then Hollywood will become a gigantic lake of boring, uninspired faeces forever. Actually QT movies are modern classics and are ageing extraordinarily well. This is where I think the Grindhouse experiment sorta failed. Rodriguez maintained a consistent tone with his grainy, scratched film look with missing reels. Tarantino commits to this for the first half, then inexplicably drops it in favour of clean looking colour and b&w in the second. He also can’t decide if his film is supposed to be ‘good’ or ‘shit’. On the one hand the master of dialogue crams the film with extraneous filler scenes of bad dialogue (as if the talentless ‘writer’ is trying to be Tarantino), but then the car chase is expertly filmed with a decent budget 🤷🏻‍♂️ Finally, both filmmakers can’t decide if they’re making a 70’s film (the whole aesthetic) or a modern one (mobile phones) Was there some behind-the-scenes chaos we don’t know about?? Can anyone comfirm this? Does the shorter Grindhouse cut omit Stuntman Mike’s death..? Your post has aged like milk. Let’s look at the evidence: Frank is clearly grinning with excitement, and descends into gut-busting laughter as Sarah falls. Even the parts omitted from the original Grindhouse version? Chubby, weird face, and an off-putting pregnant belly. She has a certain sexiness but she’s an odd choice. Gimme Mary Elizabeth Winstead for the lap-dance any day. I doubt he’s going to rape a girl from a party of 4, the other 3 of which are due back any moment and know who he is and where he lives. He’d have to murder all of them and hide their bodies, and I don’t think he’s a serial killer. That said, it is somewhat careless to leave your ‘friend’ in that situation, but remember these aren’t the most compassionate bunch of gals - a motorcyclist flies off his bike and slams into a structure thanks to our ‘heroines’ improvised revenge mission, likely killing or maiming himself. The black one doesn’t seem to care about Zoe’s life, rather than pull over and let Zoe off, she speeds along while a psycho is bashing their car, putting Zoe in relentless mortal danger. Finally, they go after Stuntman Mike like a pack of bloodthirsty dogs hunting a fox. Sure, he smashed into their car a few times, but in response they pursue him, beat him within an inch of his life, then Abby caves his face into his skull. Tarantino loves shifting sympathies, and he’s definitely trying to make you sympathise with Mike in the second half, and makes you somewhat uncomfortable for cheering on this morally questionable second batch of ‘victims’. Agreed. No, the cheerleader in part 2. Interesting. The parts that drag for me are: - opening dialogue at start of the film in the car - long take in second half where Zoe and girls… talk forever about falling in a ditch - extended chatter at the farm about their plan to steal the car… get on with it Now, I appreciate that Tarantino knows what he’s doing and is taking us down alleys so he can surprise us yadda yadda, but usually his ‘extraneous’ dialogue is really entertaining! Here it’s check-your-watch dull and bland. He was also inconsistent with the ‘Grindhouse’ effects. The first half looks scrappy, scratched, missing reels etc. the second half is pretty clean. Here’s a thought though - was he going for two different films squished together? In the first half Kurt Russell’s car is ‘Death Proof’, in the second the stunt-girls who kill him are ‘Death Proof’ 🤔 Well, sort of. In the latter half he’s still repeatedly smashing into the girls’ car while Zoe is holding on for dear life - he’s trying to kill them. It’s only when they start to gain the upper hand by shooting him that he turns into a whiny bitch and they hunt him down like a dogs on a fox. It was a rare occasion where a villain actually got what he deserved and suffered appropriately. People seem to forget what a sadistic, sick psychotic bastard he is in the first half, just because he turns into a little bitch later on. I guess it feels weird because the girls chasing him down weren’t really victims of his brutality. Yeah he attacked them but no-one got hurt so shooting him, chasing him, battering him… and caving his face in wasn’t exactly ‘revenge’, it was fractionally sadistic itself. But that’s what I like about Tarantino - shifting sympathies and questionable morality. I probably agree with Tarantino that it’s his worst film, but it’s the worst of a great bunch and still plenty entertaining. I’ve only seen the standalone version, my guess is the Grindhouse version is better paced. Yes… despite her having one eye much higher than the other, like Sloth.