MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > The biggest thing that makes no sense

The biggest thing that makes no sense

I don't quite understand it, it's .. mysterious.

No matter how many annoyances and nonsensical things I encounter in this show, it still.. SOMEHOW... charms me.

There's something like a big heart about this show, that allows it to make mistakes and be a bit nonsensical, unrealistic and even corny, and teen-dramatic, and STILL grab your attention and hold your soul captive.

You can't just stop watching, and eventually, you 'get' something out of every episode. This is the only TV show that can still make me react in a stupidly and unexpectedly emotional way, and it surprises me every time. It's like a shinobi - you never see it coming.

You're just suddenly in tears without knowing the reason.

I don't know how this show does it, it makes no sense.

The biggest thing this show has to offer, is heart.

This TV show, just like some movies do, shows that you can look past some mistakes, if there's enough heart. It's one of the rare experiences that makes you evaluate your life and review your viewpoints and question what you thought you knew.

How a TV show can do this.. makes no sense.


That's it's magic. Brilliant writing


I think it finds that fine line where it acknowledges the stuff happening onscreen is nonsensical but plays it straight enough that it doesn't end up looking like a cartoon we don't have to invest in. Add in a spoonful of nostalgia and you have yourself a TV show that can complete its 6-season arc.


This show has mastered the complex art of being inclusive/woke, while also making fun of being inclusive/woke, while also making fun of people who make fun of being inclusive/woke.


Woke and inclusive are mutually exclusive. Cobra Kai is very inclusive, but very non-woke. That’s why it’s a great success.


It's the same thing with the films. They don't make sense half the time but are just good fun. Movies and shows like this are not supposed to be logical.
