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Another Day, Another Texas Gun Nut Mass Killing

Apparently, Texas gun nuts believe firing guns in their yard is normal. Stray bullets flying everywhere considered OK.

"Wilson Garcia hadn’t even asked his neighbor to stop shooting his gun.

People in their rural town north of Houston are used to people firing their weapons to blow off steam, but it was late Friday night, and Garcia had a month-old son who was crying.

So, Garcia said, he and two other people went to his neighbor’s house to “respectfully” ask that he shoot farther away from their home.

“He told us he was on his property, and he could do what he wanted,” Garcia said Sunday after a vigil in Cleveland, Texas, for his 9-year-old son who was killed in the attack that soon followed.

The suspect, 38-year-old Francisco Oropeza, remained at large late Sunday despite a search involving more than 200 police from multiple jurisdictions.

The gunman walked up to the home and began firing. Garcia’s wife, Sonia Argentina Guzman, 25, was at the front door, and the first to die.

The house held 15 people in all, several of them friends who had been there to join Garcia’s wife on a church retreat. The gunman seemed intent on killing everyone, Garcia said.

Also among the dead were Garcia’s son, Daniel Enrique Laso, and two women who died while shielding Garcia’s baby and 2-year-old daughter. Garcia said one of the women had told him to jump out a window “because my children were without a mother and one of their parents had to stay alive to take care of them.”"

Don't forget to send your useless thoughts and prayers while you continue arming gun nuts with AR-15s.


Ok, we'll make sure to send them along, thanks.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


When one lives in a rural area(as I do in Vermont,) firing guns in your yard is, in fact, quite normal...


Drunk with an AR-15 is not normal


Sadly, that's probably fairly normal...However, murdering someone because they told you to keep it down because of their sleeping baby is definitely not!


Francisco Oropeza had already been deported from the US 5 times already but the left will insist on letting these people back in.


I wonder if police,FBI will talk more about him. They used at first a guy up in Fort Worths picture because he had the same name. Did this guy not have a drivers license to use the picture off of. He had a two day head start because nobody knew what he looked like.


This case is an example of why stricter gun laws are useless against criminals and why people should arm themselves to protect themselves from home invasions. Also, this is a case for funding the police and protecting the right of citizens to call 911.

The shooter had been deported from the US at least FOUR times. The shooter wasn't even supposed to be in the US and he was armed. The family did call the police BUT the men made the mistake of telling the armed maniac that they were going to call the police. The family should have had guns to protect their home and family members.
