MovieChat Forums > Politics > "Conspiracy Theories" of the right that,...

"Conspiracy Theories" of the right that, er, were true as it turns out...


what a dodgy looking URL


What a brilliant username and you totally don't seem like someone who goes into a cinema in a beige overcoat and masturbates.

"dodgy", you sad retard.


Are you afraid of an non-YouTube video hosting platform?

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Imagine a world where we all claim we want the truth. Then Julian Assange leaks the truth, and we jail him for many years. Jack Teixeira leaks the truth, and we arrest him, try him and say that truth was classified.
speaks the truth as the world moves toward World War 3, we call it lies, Russian propaganda and go after him, when we all know that no one wins those wars and there is no glory in the grave, no life in the graveyard, only billions of dollars for the military industrial complex.

Many people claim to be seeking the truth, but in reality, all they do is to become tools for the propaganda.

They come to Washington vowing the drain the swamps but they get so comfortable that they just become part of it. Now, they are flying with the President on Air Force One, they are live on Sundays shows, they wear nice suits, eat at cool restaurants, go to the gym, do yoga and meet beautiful people at happy hours as they drink champagne. How can they abandon that new lifestyle?

Speaking the truth now means they will embarrass their new friends who will ban them from their circle. And so they conform.

People who watch them see it. They've become part of the elite and don't give a f.. about the people anymore. The people then turn their backs and begin to watch people like Tucker Carlson.

With no viewership, they begin to slander him, brand him a liar, a racist, a Russian hack.

Or they're surprised
has just won an election. How can that be? It must be the Russians, they say.

They continue to chase the shadows unable to understand that they have abandoned the people and the people have turned their back against them, whether they believe it or not.

You know, I have lived long enough, and got white hair by the way, to know that whether here in Washington D.C. where I am writing this, or over there around the country where you're reading it, the truth remains that trying to get rid of Carlson will not solve their dilemma.


Gospel. Notice the views Tucker's recent video garnered too- they can't shut him down, they can only ruin Fox news. Tucker was being stymied as it was by having the J6 story tanked by Murdoch, and who knows what other facts he was unable to report on. Wherever he goes he will have a huge audience, so expect the state to conjure up criminal charges against him as they did and are doing to President Trump.

The news swamp is won over by evil via perks for their worship of Satan as well as threats to themselves and their loved ones if they don't obey. All of this has forced me to reevaluate my views of humanity and let's just say that Anne Frank, if the writings attributed to her were indeed hers and not science fiction, was a foolish child with no understanding of humans.

Basically I don't believe that most people give a crap about the truth and only care about stroking their own egos to run from facing their fears. I mean being good takes work while being wicked only takes judging others and spreading lies. There is discomfort in doing the right thing, especially today in the west, while obeying the PTB is easy and comfortable.

And Russia- they are only the "enemy" because the PTB require a villain to rally against 1984 style and to demonize their detractors like Trump. The idea that any country in the world or the history of it is worse than the US today is absolutely laughable. I love patriots, and the framework that the founding fathers set out for us, but the country as it is is patently evil, replete with the power to push that evil.

Nothing beats being able to respect one's self- something the left will never know about. Getting right with God, family and self is the true treasure on this plane, and it's nothing but a fairy tale to the wicked who can only read about such ideas and immediately discount them out of a complete lack of experience with it. God bless


Ignore the first 8:45 since it's just him promoting his subscription-based channel. I think they have some free vids but he wants people to subscribe to his channel. It's funny that Glenn Beck pulls out a chalkboard and acts professorial when he doesn't have any qualifications. He makes his final sales pitch at the 46:00 mark of the video.

He presents his first chalkboard of conspiracy theories at 8:45 and his second chalkboard at 13:20. I would bet that most conspiracy theories are wrong but some are probably correct. He's mainly bringing up some talking points pushed out by the television network commentators. A lot of Anthony Fauci's lies are included and he should have been forced out
years ago. Many of Beck's conspiracy theories have NOT been proven true. I would argue that people should rely on multiple media sources and avoid the television networks. Television networks usually only provide sound bites and biased opinions. The television networks even have comedians running pseudo-news shows for ratings.


"Under the guise of anti-censorship and free speech, video-hosting service BitChute has become a hotbed for violent, conspiratorial and hate-filled video propaganda, and a recruiting ground for extremists.

For white supremacists, BitChute is a safe haven where they can spread vitriol and recruit members. Swastikas and SS symbols are commonplace on the site, alongside videos praising Hitler."

Garbage website!


Shut up, Fascist SHIT STAIN.


They're afraid of truth-telling websites lol

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


This is by far the most delusional and radical MC post I’ve ever read
