MovieChat Forums > DMT > Replies

DMT's Replies

tattoos are the modern day dunce hat. nothing says u lack self esteem and personality like getting a tattoo to fit in. unless ur a hardcore criminal or sailor having tattoos just shows the world u are a complete poser who follows the mainstream crowd and does whatever is in "style" nothing is free u pay for this mcfranklinvax with side effects its fine if u wanna drink the big pharma coolade but get off ur high horse thinking ur better then everyone else who didn't sign up to be a experimental guinea pig yeah really who cares about bob saget?! he is well known for being a suspected pedophiler on those twins from his dumb show and that is all in know about him. just like when kobe died and everyone acted all sad and shieeet. the dude was know for his rape and playing a childrens game effectively. the world is a better place with him afrer that helicopter wreck. good riddance by being paranoid and not trusting the government and mainstream banking system is how i got rich. if i wasn't paranoid i would have never went all in on bitcoin back when it was still underground and not mainstream i might be paranoid as shit but i am not lost bud. the sheep walking to the slaughterhouse look at the runaway sheep in the forest as "lost" but that one walkin his own way is actually found. being paranoid as shit has always worked for me and helped me stay above the traps of society and conformity. everyone called me crazy when i invested all my savings into bitcoin when it was still in the hundreds of dollars and yea i was crazy, crazy right. now all those same people who called me dumb are working shitty jobs waking up early and i am retired in my mid twenties traveling this great nation in a van. while they focus on being a good little worker bee i get to focus on eating right and working out. just because i am being paranoid doesnt mean i am wrong bud, paranoia is a natural and healthy emotion to have in this sick cruel world we live in. u have to listen to the paranoia in your head because u are feelin it for a reason. it is a survival mechanism. like Ricky from the trailerpark says "its survival of the fitness boys" if u really are serious about surviving this chinese bioweapon virus i suggest u change ur diet and start working out more instead of listening to the fake news propagandists and falling victim into becoming a big pharma guinea pig. no science bitch can save a fatty mcbumballattie regardless of how many doses of the mcfranklinvax they inject into them we are united together in being badass and kicking ass!! all u commie crybaby bastards can frig off and go to china, u arent part of our awesome club! USA USA USA!!!!! Muricaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! shutup libturd!! Columbadass was a great man! murica!! USA!!!!! yeahaaaawwwwwhhhh!!!!! my own family doctor didnt take this mcfranklinvax. only "scientists" are fake news propagandists and big tech oligarchs who i know hate my guts telling me to take this shit. the actual scientist who invented this shit was censored from twitter and now fake news wants to censor joe rogan just for taking to the guy. all this chinese communist censorship the elite are doing is just reassuring me i made the right decision by staying as far away from this mcfranklinvax as i can libturd... only thing the vax is full proof about is giving u mysteries side effects in the future. big pharma is already working on drugs to alleviate all the new conditions soon to be found in the once young and healthy public u realize the indians were a bunch of different tribes that were raping and fighting each other ruthlessly before any white people arrived. most of them died to diseases they were weak too not even directly killed by the white man like u libturds like to make it out to be. its survival of the fitness bud idk we are talking about Schneider here it is very well possible that OP was serious about his call for execution idk he is pretty evil, around kids he cant keep his hands off 6 year old girls breasts and sniffs these kids hair all while whispering sweet nothing into their poor ears. these kids looks so much in discomfort, and they are the ones he feels comfortable molesting on camera, i dont even imagine what he does off camera to the victims that get hand delivered to him by jeff epsteins replacement agent from israel so glad i didnt give into getting this mcfranklinvax. i dont care what the law is about it, give me the death penalty before i let u inject me with ur mystery juice i loved both of them. gotta rewatch the swedish again it has been too long since i watched it because i usually watch most of my movies (the ones i rewatch at least) while i am about to go to bed and listen to them these days and for that reason i put on the murican version but i remember liking the swedish so much as a kid when i first watched it lucky man i wasnt alive when this movie came out. watched it from a library card rental as a kiddo tho and really enjoyed back in the 2000s who cares? what great man hasn't been arrest and place in handcuffs at some point in their lives?!? i know i have, ur probably some nerd who has never left ur comfort zone much. you know nothing of adventure or greatness, u probably just some city rat living in new york in some little box thinking ur edmucation makes u better then everyone else shutup libturd naw he was a man of his times. a great man!