MovieChat Forums > Bob Saget Discussion > He recently got the booster shot

He recently got the booster shot

But I bet nobody will want to question that


weakens the heart


nothing is free u pay for this mcfranklinvax with side effects


he fell down and hit his head.


Silly anti-vaxers.

Fun fact: the Johnson & Johnson “vaccine” that didn’t work, was pulled from the market in December. For causing blood clots. Whoops.

At least J&J will be vaccinated against lawsuits from the families of those killed by it.


Dang I remember when the fake news and big brother evil government was telling me to get any shot available didn't matter what one. Luckily I don't trust those rat bastards any more than I trust a meth head thats has been up for one week yelling gibberish on the street. i have done pretty much all the illegal drugs but am scared of this shit more than anything. pureblood for life, no mcfranklinvax for me!!


that a booster had nothing to do with a injury to the head and death due to it?

Hey I know a guy who got his booster. a week later a car hit him and he died. people better start looking into that too!


Oops. Facts don't care about your conspiracies, nutjob.
