Crapshoot's Replies

Hi there! It’s nice to know I’ve left such an impression on you, just because I insulted your lord and savior! If Kong is a gorilla, that just goes back to my earlier point. Gorillas can’t swim. Apes in general cannot swim, with the exception of humans, and even we are hardly experts at it. The simple answer here is that Kong is a completely fictional ape, so he can live wherever the filmmakers want him to. The only one of those it’s likely to win is Visual Effects, but still, not bad for a franchise sequel. Orangutans are apes, and they’re native to Southeast Asia. Of course, they’re also not as closely related to humans as the other great apes. If Kong is anything like real-life apes, then he shouldn’t be a very good swimmer. Even the Snopes article points out that Musk lied about when he received the Physics degree, and that the degree in question doesn’t list any of his supposed accomplishments. Also, the Mashable article was simply pointing out how many people accused Musk of lying about the death of his first child, including his first wife. My credible source is the fact that Musk constantly lies about himself and his accomplishments to try and make himself seem like a self-made genius. The man is full of shit. I don’t see how it’s a stretch to say that his rich father helped him in the early stages of his career as an entrepreneur. Of course, if you’re not a Musk fanboy, I do find it a bit peculiar how defensive you seem to be getting on his behalf. My only real point was that Musk is not an inventor. He’s an entrepreneur who gets other people to invent for him. Elon Musk has lied about a number of things, including his own education background. Pardon me if I don’t buy into his claims about how he’s a self-made billionaire whose father was penniless… Also, if you’re not a fanboy, why do you have a comment in this very thread where you bitch about the people who don’t like him? “By "people" you mean hypocrites used to love Elon, but now hate him because he said somethings they don't like.” ^This sure makes it sound like you’re salty that more and more people are hating him. Where’s your proof that he didn’t get the money from his father? Where did he get it from? You Musk fanboys are so weird. You insist on worshipping the man just because you see yourselves in him, and want to live vicariously through him. The first movie is preachy too, so if you didn’t like it there, you won’t like it here. He came from a well-off family. That’s the simple fact of the matter. I don’t take selfies. Elon Musk bought Tesla with money he got from his rich father. He didn’t invent anything. I actually did watch it. It’s not exactly obscure or difficult to find. In fact, I watched it back when it came out in theaters. Ok, I’ll bite. Why is it degenerate for Velma to like girls? I mean, as I said, Velma liking girls had been a running fandom joke for a very long time, right up there with the jokes about Shaggy being a stoner. Velma being a lesbian was already done in a direct to VOD movie from last year. Besides, Velma liking women has been a long-running joke in the fandom for decades, to the point where the 2002 movie and the Mystery Incorporated cartoon attempted to go that direction. The show just sort of looks like a lame Harley Quinn wannabe, but I’m not remotely surprised that the people who farm outrage for clicks are using it as the latest entry in their dumb culture war. A work of fiction can’t simply be bad or aggressively mediocre anymore. It has to be something that pisses people off for being “woke” or whatever. I mean, I don’t particularly care for TLJ in general, but that’s mostly just because I see it as another Star Wars movie. I don’t think it’s particularly clever or innovative, but I also can’t say I see it as some bastardization of everything the franchise stands for. I don’t love it, but I don’t think it’s worth the outrage. As for Glass Onion, wow, The Critical Drinker’s video is terrible. It’s just him whining about “conveniences and contrivances.” It’s like if CinemaSins tried to be like Mr. Plinkett. It’s especially hilarious how he complains about how stupid it is that Miles Bron kept the envelope, when that’s precisely the point the movie was making. The movie itself hammers home how stupid Miles’ decisions are.