Crapshoot's Replies

It’s kind of funny how Rian Johnson is seen as the anti-Christ by people like Critical Drinker and other obsessive anti-“woke” types, just because they didn’t like what he did with Luke Skywalker. A Batman film that’s connected to a larger DC Universe would’ve been interesting, but there’s no changing the past. I just wish the script could make its way online like the scripts for that George Miller Justice League movie and Colin Trevorrow’s Episode IX. He’s pretty good in this, and a good actor in general. Actually, as I recall, she started to get some backlash even before the trans controversy. There were people who criticized some of the choices she made with the Fantastic Beasts films, and people also accused her of things like queerbating and promoting anti-Semitic stereotypes. Plus, people were clowning on her for all the odd statements and retcons she made regarding her work, like when she claimed that wizards used to poop their pants before they discovered indoor plumbing (and yes, that was an actual thing she said). But mass shootings in public spaces were not a prevalent thing in the 80s. Spielberg infamously made edits to E.T. for the 20th anniversary release, such as replacing the guns police officers were holding with walki-talkies. He also mentioned that he thinks he went too far with Temple of Doom. Gun violence in America is a far more hot-button issue now than it was back in the 80s, what will all the mass shootings, especially at schools. As for the question of whether Cameron’s gotten old and soft, maybe he did. A lot of people become more sensitive to depictions of violence as they get older. It happened with Spielberg. That was 40 years ago. It sounds more like he’s saying that excessive gun violence in films personally makes him uncomfortable, because they hit too close to home now. The Riddler flooding Gotham was taken directly from the Zero Year storyline in the comics. Is that what it is? Looks like the answer is no. “2022 has been Disney’s worst year on record” Pretty sure that’s objectively not true. It feels so surreal that this is finally coming out in just one month. I remember when the sequel was supposed to come out back in 2014. I realize I’m replying to a three month old topic, but I should just point out for the record that the first movie was simultaneously available on HBO Max while it was in theaters, which would’ve obviously diluted the box office numbers for the film, at least domestically. Probably not. If it is, then how could we be certain that every other movie’s box office numbers aren’t also fabricated? The movie hasn’t been released in a number of territories yet. The movie will finish with over $100 million worldwide, and close to $70 million domestically. It’s fine. It’s doing fine. Key word is domestic. There’s also the international markets.