MovieChat Forums > Glass Onion (2022) Discussion > Glass Onion - A Masterpiece of Stupidity

Glass Onion - A Masterpiece of Stupidity

Wow, is this movie dumb, even the detective guy played by Daniel Craig says it! I think Rian Johnson is dropping less than subtle hints to his fans, to be honest!


Great video, he’s right - proper murder mysteries feed the audience the clues they need to solve the mystery, but these Ruin Johnson efforts constantly cheat and retcon what just happened.

It has the veneer of clever filmmaking but you’re just being lied to.

Also, as you’re watching you’re keeping an open mind when something stupid happens (like the shooter inexplicably not taking out Benoit Blanc as well) thinking there will be a reason for this, so as the film plays you're thinking ‘this curious detail must important’… only to find out there was no reason other than bad writing.


Took the words out of my mouth.


It's just Netflix filler and it did the job: lure you in.
Netflix is for getting laid. When people actually watch the content means they failed doing that.


It’s kind of funny how Rian Johnson is seen as the anti-Christ by people like Critical Drinker and other obsessive anti-“woke” types, just because they didn’t like what he did with Luke Skywalker.


NO-ONE likes what Rian Johnson did with Luke Skywalker.


I mean, I don’t particularly care for TLJ in general, but that’s mostly just because I see it as another Star Wars movie. I don’t think it’s particularly clever or innovative, but I also can’t say I see it as some bastardization of everything the franchise stands for. I don’t love it, but I don’t think it’s worth the outrage.

As for Glass Onion, wow, The Critical Drinker’s video is terrible. It’s just him whining about “conveniences and contrivances.” It’s like if CinemaSins tried to be like Mr. Plinkett.

It’s especially hilarious how he complains about how stupid it is that Miles Bron kept the envelope, when that’s precisely the point the movie was making. The movie itself hammers home how stupid Miles’ decisions are.


Talk about a one trick "comment" pony.
"Rian Johnson blah blah blah anti-woke blah blah alt-right blah blah blah".
Yeah yeah yeah, we heard you the first time, I bet you wear a pussy hat and all your selfies have that "mouth open" pose.


Triggered redneck!


I don’t take selfies.


I don’t know about this post. First of all, Craig never says this is dumb referring to the movie. As Blanc, he finds out about the pineapple juice and what that implies in the course of where they are in the investigation and a revelation about the most intelligent person in the room.

This link had Critical Drinker dissecting this movie - overly. And he does so with this fake Gerard Butler accent. I think he’s trying to appear drunk but …His name is Will Jordan. And he’s Scottish but speaks normally but not in this for some strange reason. Which make this really odd. I too had some issues with Glass Onion at the end but oddly enough, with all of things he mentions, he excludes that one thing.

Jordan is also an author and I did read his Dark Harvest. He said it was “inspired” by the Dyatlov Pass which has always fascinated me. His book was just ok. I would think for someone to be critical of others, they should be exceptional. Nothing compares to the Russian TV series Dead Mountain in the story about the Dyatlov Pass. So much better than Dark Harvest.

From what I see Jordan doesn’t like the way Rian Johnson handled Luke Skywalker, one of his childhood heroes in the The Last Jedi and is now picking apart this movie. He wished The Last Jedi had been more like Top Gun 2 as far as the aging of the characters. I can see this and agree with him on some characters. But GO is not dumb is I guess what I’m saying. I question the over the top ending as the ending in the first one was perfect. My house, my rules. Simple.

Did you just see this video and not the movie.


"Did you just see this video and not the movie."
I find more entertainment in videos dissecting modern movies than the modern movies themselves, these days.


I guess that’s a no. You watch just the videos of a movie.




Nothing. It’s probably a lot cheaper and you don’t have to think.


Rian Johnson thinks he can do Agatha Christie and fails at it, BADLY. Yes, I did see the original movie with this "sleuth".


I disagree. What’s your problem with it?

Did you not like Brick.
