Biggs111Mr's Replies

I really like Fright Night! They don't make them like that anymore 😟 Yea Miyagi was really good because he was natural & they developed him more than they did Danny I think. Hey! Didn't that snotty blonde girl say that?! Yea it's gonna do well because it's about a shark that's not supposed to exist because it's too big! Mickey wasn't shown much probably because they didn't want us audience to think much on him in the movie I think. Gotta mix things up u know. We don't always want the killers to be a close friend all the time or the reveal will be a little too obvious. Yup I really like the scene when he's on the phone with Cici telling her to set the alarm & then the mother as Ghostface hacks her up & tosses her away like trash! I watched it tonight with my little sister & she cried during the scenes when the sisters cried over their mother. I felt bad too! It's so good. I really liked it a lot. Good chemistry with all the characters especially Amy & Emily. When I first saw this movie it looked to be the boyfriend doing the killing but then the shot of his eye didn't match the killer. So confusing! It was also so so scary when the killer's eye was peaking at Jessica through the door & then he chases her down the stairs calling her Agnes made my heart pound so hard & I don't know why?! Such a weird movie but really good & great character study yea. Moss was a hunter so he should take out the sugar guy when he least suspected. That would be so so cool! They should've did that years ago with a younger Arnold like they did with Alien vs. Predator & Freddy vs. Jason. Yea Tony last stand against the thugs made him seem like good guy protecting his own. Yes yes I really liked that part about Tony. His character was consistent with wanting kids & stuff so he couldn't help kill them too u know. I didn't like how he killed his friend because of his sister. That was messed up. If he didn't do that & just sold the drugs & killed the bad guy & sent money to his mom & sister to give his family a better life then Tony fighting off those thugs & dying while trying would be so much more tragic. Yea the director didn't want the audience to know. I saw trailer clips but couldn't tell them apart. Always thought it was 2 Arnolds since he was a Terminator. The T1000 in the clip was just a tough cop trailing them to me lol. Um...all they gotta do is split the cam & have 2 Kevin Costners. Ok ok I understand not many people want a classic messed with. I get it! But let's say they were doing casting for the Arnold part. Who do u think has a great modern look for it? I like Chris Hemsworth. That's not true. It's always someone. Yea no way alcohol made him weaker. Like u said before their powers kept on shifting & stuff. Yea that window check by the detective was so super weird. I kept trying to understand his motive for it but coming up blank. Really? Sounds good to me. Not a troll I said to make a movie inspired because so many in here are against remakes is why. People here can be mean & call others names for wanting to know stuff. Not right! Uhh...there's nothing left u know. How about a good sci-fi thriller based off the Terminator? I think a movie inspired by it could work.