Biggs111Mr's Replies

Batman got closure. I had no issue there with what they did with him. Your answers are real good I appreciate it but the Scarecrow doesn't work using how he probably got arrested for the second time because nothing here is ever shown of that so no closure there. Ok u make good points & I understand Danny had to win all the fights but the one with Chozen feels wrong. That guy was tough as shit, nicely built & a real thug. Danny was softer in Part 2 than he was in the original & even softer in Part 3 boy he was a chump then. The sudden death thing I get but it felt like a cheap shot to escape a real defeat & a really piss poor way to close the series out u know. First off Johnny & Daniel were close in skill in my opinion so Danny winning it wasn't a really big deal okay. Barnes from Part 3 was sort of cheated because Danny only hit him once to win that stupid fight. It was rigged against the challenger & u know it so come on okay. The win over Chozen was all fantasy & wasn't at all believable. Danny was freaking scared of him & that alone should've cost him the fight but whatever. Not saying the killer has to be stopped or not but to see who he is, is so very important to me & probably lots of others. And what kind of connection did the killer have to all those girls in the house? He seemed to kill some of them & let others live. Not sure why. Felt very weird to me. Hell yea it was exciting! After Moss dies off screen the movie took a nose dive. Also didn't like the lack of dialogue. It seems nothing is explained & the conversation is so little. Yep not sure why it was so bad but boy oh boy was it bad?! Danny skipping rounds so he can get the stuffing beat out of him in the last fight? *sighs* That's funny! I saw Part 3 with my class on the last day of school. Us kids went crazy for the Superman/Clark fight. I remember one of my female classmates closing her eyes with Superman pounding the life out of Clark. She kept saying to me why was Superman so so mean & keep beating on Clark! Yep the series got all silly after a while. Didn't like Part 2 at all. And Part 3 was type bad & should've never been made. It was like Danny got so soft all of a sudden. Makes no sense!