Biggs111Mr's Replies

Um...Clark Kent struggled to get rid of the other Superman so the powers wasn't equal. The ending to Quitters was creepy to me. Any one else agree? Yea the movie has so so many layers to it & yea the girl looks great. I like her! Yup Alice looks sexy when she fights Freddy in the church but she looks weird earlier in the movie & I don't know why. Fletcher was awesome to me! She was so so creepy & just super fun. Stop picking on her! OMG maybe the janitor was just being a jerk about the dead cat stuff u know. And um just maybe Kyle actually smelled the Terminator's stinky breath before lol. Yea that's true. Do u think that Superman would've just died eventually because of the Kryptonite & stuff? He did act like he was feeling sick before the Clark Kent fight. Uh...I wanted to see this movie but now I don't 😟. I never watched any of these movies until my cousin told me about it last week right so I'm pumped to see them & I loved the original & I kinda liked Chapter 2 but hated the third! True it was so so boring & then Halle Berry hurt the movie a lot to me but the dogs fighting was a little cool. Not sure if I wanna see the fourth. Um...actually there's a soundtrack at the end of the movie I remember. I thought it was awesome but not as much as the first 2 movies nope. Superman into a mean sleazy dude was so so original & having him beat up on Clark Kent because Clark couldn't let him be is still great stuff even today! I already got that part but no one can explain the detective opening up the window from the other room and then getting stabbed for it. I guess it was just to show a really really cool scene huh. No that's mean u know! The guy said he was sorry & gave it back. Yea that scene bothered me a lot yea. I think the father was losing his humanity & didn't care about anything or anyone but his son by that point u know. Just saw the movie & hated the part when the mother just left her family like that so so bad & stupid. I really wanted her to stay & fight for survival with her husband & son. I wanted to like this movie but couldn't because of that. Uhhh..still don't know why the detective lift the window from another room. Makes no sense at all. Nope no way! Drago is a villain & yea he's a bit older now but still not a good person so nope he shouldn't be regretting anything bad. I like Creed 2 a lot over Creed 3. Drago son was the way a villain should be even though he wasn't a bad guy. Um...I don't think so. He just turned meaner & stuff so he was different from before but he's still Superman. I think Bizarro was a robot so not quite the same u know. If Clark opens his shirt he reveals a brighter cleaner suit underneath so we already know & Clark does reveal the Superman suit but only after he beats the bad one. I know that they separated & stuff but Clark was still Superman underneath. Uhhh ok makes sense but wanted more of a bigger breakdown of it.