MovieChat Forums > Four Brothers (2005) Discussion > Let me tell you why this movie was terri...

Let me tell you why this movie was terrible

1) I understand it's Detroit but it's ridiculous how they basically made it seem like this movie took place in the Old West with no law. Cops were never to be found when they were literally holding up a high school, shooting up a casino, etc.

2) Where the hell did Mark Wahlberg walk from in that last scene on the ice? There's nothing for miles behind him so are we to believe he walked miles on ice?

3) The mom did not give off a warm vibe at all. It was creepy as hell. Imagine for a moment you're watching a horror movie and all you'll see what I mean. She looks and talks like evil incarnate.

4) Sofia Vergara is awful. There should have been at least one female character that the audience could root for.

5) A marine getting tired running up a few flights of stairs? Yeah, ok.

6) The bond between the brothers is never developed and it feels really forced upon the audience.

7) The entire storyline was Fowler/Green was garbage.

8) No gang leader would treat his main henchman like that. You treat the peons at the bottom like that, not your top 5-6 guys.

9) The brothers didn't even seem sad when the mom died.

10) 3 of the brothers never even cared enough about their mom to take care of her for the past however many years. Instead, they left it to Jerry.


Some other points:

11. The part where Green goes to confront Fowler alone is ridiculous. When he finds out Fowler is corrupt, why go confront him alone? Why not tell someone else about him? Why not turn the evidence of his corruption over to Internal Affairs?

That part just killed the movie for me. All this time they made Green look like the only non-corrupt and competent cop in the DPD. Then all of a sudden they decide to turn him into the dumbest human on the planet for no reason.

12. The brothers' set-up to get Fowler killed. That was one of the most ridiculously contrived things I've ever seen in a movie. The only way it could succeed is if many people (most of whom the Mercer brothers don't know) would react exactly the way they Mercers needed them to react. The chances of that happening would be near non-existent.

13. The fight between Ron and Victor at the end was totally pointless. The men were going to kill Sweet no matter who won the fight, so why did it happen? There was no reason for it. It was only there because an action movie needs a final fight between hero and villain.


Who are you, Lindsey Chaz? Although your points are true to a certain degree (Points #1, #2, #5, ect), you'd have to really hate yourself to say those entirely fractal and non important points ruined the movie for you. The others, such as the brothers being undeveloped and the cop storyline being garbage, are opinions....bad opinions...


Although your points are true to a certain degree (Points #1, #2, #5, ect),

Just so you know, it's etc.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Oh, so THAT'S why I was always failing English class...


Oh hey, this movie was anything but not bad!


I am with you man. I found this movie so entertaining. Sure it has its flaws but it also had its moments.

The OPs point about Whalberg walking on the ice is valid though...


" Sofia Vergara is awful. "

No argument here but she sure looked good!
