LetoAtreides's Posts

Gotta like 80s movie were the supposed hottest girl is actually the ugliest in the movie. Did Grace set off the fireworks? So... not a single infected encounter after the big attack on episode 5. A car commercial in the last 10 minutes? Really? What's the deal with Dye America? I wish the movie started earlier in Leslie's Life. Falls apart on second episode So why did kai kill Joseph Galfy? Only 26 and already looking like a 40 years old. Could we, just for once, have a down to earth viking movie or show? South Park did it better 20 years ago. Lazy eye is very distracting. The most complicated way to kill the US president. Stretched over 6 episodes to make room for unnecessary drama. Would have been awesome with the the 90s parents. Too bad Hancock is pushing... So...what happened with airbnb? (spoilers) The money and Allie...(spoilers) I'm surprised no one offered the kid an Harrier ride for his troubles. Funny how the adult penitentiary meant to scare Mick O'brien seems safer and more orderly than the juvenile detention.