LetoAtreides's Posts

Clown 10/10. Movie 4/10. Something strange I noticed in this "documentary".... If you ever needed a proof that Romero was a terrible director. Should have been 2 or 3 episodes shorter Other than the obvious lack of vapor when the characters breathe... 1 billion dollar show fight scene. Will Gandalf be the new Dougie from Twin Peaks season 3? So much money for so little. Am I the only who thought after the scene on the plane... Why would Kim settle for such a mundane life? Would you cheer... (spoilers) Why be a maid? How original... When did Mike get so dumb? It would have been better without the supernatural elements. Too much bee chasing. The finale episode was an endurance test... Would be a perfect movie...but the kid Of all Nazi leaders, Göring would have the most interesting biopic if someone dared making it. The Ku Klux Klan side plot wasn't necessary.