WildFire78's Replies

This was the most moving scene for me in the movie, and I don't even care for Garfield's Spider-Man, so it goes to show how well this scene was done. I wonder if MJ would remember him if their paths crossed again? Yes, he's in there very briefly. Maybe 2 minutes tops being Peter Parker's lawyer. He plays a lawyer named Murdoch and they are sitting in Aunt Mae's home discussing Peter's case and someone throws a brick through the window and he catches it lightning fast. Even Peter is shocked and Murdoch just smiles. But he doesn't fight at all in the movie as Daredevil, and there is no Karen or Foggy. It's not a flashback. Monica asks John why he made Kayce get the brand, and he told her just that. I believe this was in season 1, right after she see's Walker getting the brand. Goes to show how smart Jaime was even at a younger age. I honestly don't think he did it out of malice, but just felt like Beth was backed into a corner and probably knew John would do something terrible. Don't forget, back then, John was a cruel man. He forced Kayce to get a brand as punishment because he refused to make Monica get an abortion. Well, we got the Sopranos, Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy that showcase the other POV. You ever think that the CEO's are purposely hiring the worst women because they know they will direct crappy movies and turn the public against them? Pretty much. It's about a family trying to hang on to their big sprawling ranch and believe in tradition and the second amendment, and it's the progressives who are trying to take it away. That's exactly what I am saying. Back in January, they changed Paramount from being part of their basic package and now you have to order the next package and it's an extra 40 a month, and I refuse to pay that. And like I said, they don't carry Pop or CMT at the moment. Well, I'm going to be missing it tonight since my provider, Xfinity, wants me to pay extra for the Paramount Network, and the other back up network TV Land isn't showing it tonight, and Xfinity doesn't offer CMT either, so the only thing I can do is buy the season on Amazon and wait till tomorrow. So if anyone have commercials they paid for to be aired during Yellowstone, because of the corporate games going on with Xfinity, many people won't be seeing your ads! It also doesn't help that the one Black male character in here has to be Gay. Anyone who is familiar with the Black community know that they tend to be homophobic and despise Hollywood because it's like some secret initiation that if you are a Black male and want to break into Hollywood, you have to agree to either play a Gay character, wear a dress, play a criminal or a slave some time in your career. Heck, of out of all of the roles Denzel Washington has done, it took him playing a bad guy for him to win Best Actor at the Oscars. So they probably lost a lot of the Black male audience as well. They should have just made a lesbian couple instead because they tend to be more accepted by the majority. Many countries don't condone the LGBTQ community, so that is also going to hurt the box office. Or maybe the new movies are crap. That is the biggest crap I ever heard. So you are making excuses for corporations being cheap and then passing on the cost of living expenses to the middle class because they don't want to pay a decent living wage? Because that is what is happening. Basically, in the 60's the civil rights movement began and all sorts of laws were passed, from Affirmative Action to enforcing good pay and safe working conditions. In response to this, the corporations started to make deals under the table with China, Taiwan, etc to outsource manufacturing so they can save in labor and not give the Negro the satisfaction of working in a White district. But what about the companies that can't outsource? Well, this is when the cheap paying migrant workers come in handy. They even created something called the H1B1 work visa where big corporations can hire foreign workers at cheap pay and not have to pay taxes, medicare or social security while they work. The Walt Disney Corporation is very guilty in this practice. So it has nothing to do with immigrants doing work that Americans don't want to do. It has everything to do with the government officials who were put into their positions by big corporations donations returning the favor by flooding the country with a bunch of immigrants at the corporations disposal. The illegals are even better because if one dies from dehydration while working a farm or from falling off a roof that violated all safety precautions, the corporations can just get rid of the body since they are undocumented to begin with. And then there is also the big business of human trafficking that is directly linked to massive immigration. And well, after seeing how our FBI let Jeffery Epstein hang himself, twice, well, we know where the US government stands of human trafficking. THey protect the traffickers at all cost. Heck, they even use Beth to make fun of Jaimie and insinuate that he's gay and do it in a manner that is offensive. Won't be surprised. This is why some of us like myself were not happy with Disney buying out Marvel. Look at the mess they made with Star Wars. Like you said, they are run by the deep state establishment, and they use the brand to push their agendas on the masses. I'm just seeing how it plays out. Sure, Beth and John may be horrible to Jaime, but Kayce is not. In fact, I noticed Kayce doesn't talk to Beth hardly at all, so makes me wonder if there is some beef between them as well. Last time Beth and him had a decent conversation, she was telling Kayce to get off the ranch. Maybe Sheridan does plan on making Beth the Cersei Lannister of the show, he's just taking his time. But I will admit, if he makes Jaimie the so called villain, then I will be disappointed. This will end up being just a rip off Dallas and Jaimie is JR. It's a combination of things. They actually have a good story going, there is no competition, and it's not insulting viewers with woke propaganda (yet). Basically, it's a show where it's okay to be a white alpha male. I had to roll my eyes when she brought the students to the horse race and when the kids asked what does this have to do with Christopher Columbus, she says nothing. But yet there would be no horses on the continent without Christopher Columbus. Sounds like it. That way there is massive money flowing into the farm, and he makes sure John is still in control of the land. Thomas, I just think Beth has always been a drama queen. It was seen in the flashbacks that she was always keeping the family waiting, always wanting to be the center of attention.