MovieChat Forums > Chicago P.D. (2014) Discussion > TV is deluged with shows prioritizing th...

TV is deluged with shows prioritizing the police point of view

The killing of George Floyd and the resulting protests have painted a negative image of law enforcement over the past week, yet TV portrayals of police have been overwhelmingly positive. "TV has long had a police’s-eye perspective that helps shape the way viewers see the world, prioritizing the victories and struggles of police over communities being policed," says Kathryn VanArendonk. "Order, a police imposed status quo, is good; disruption is bad. There are many, many reasons why a cop’s point of view has become the default way to frame national unrest, including institutional and systemic racism, the capitalist urge to prioritize property over human life, and a political system that benefits those already in power. But TV plays a role, too. The overwhelming mountain of cop shows amounts to a decades-long cultural education in who deserves attention, and whose perspective counts most. In stories of American crime, TV teaches us that cops are the characters we should care about." From Blue Bloods to S.W.A.T. to The Rookie to Law & Order: SVU to Chicago P.D. and the NCIS shows, network TV is filled with shows that "share a fundamental ideology: The cops are the protagonists," says VanArendonk. And it's not just network TV. Cable networks from Pop TV to WE TV to USA and Ion air hours upon hours of past and present cop shows, including Criminal Minds and CSI. Few shows, such as The Wire and Orange Is the New Black and The Shield, have offered negative portrayals of law enforcement. "The ramifications of putting cops at the center of the story is starkest on procedurals," says VanArendonk. "Every week, these series churn through crimes to solve; new victims and suspects arrive, and every week they leave again when their problem has been solved and order restored. The characters who stay are cops. In the almost unimaginable deluge of American crime TV, the characters whose names we know and whose lives we value are cops. The communities they police are disposable, and at the end of each episode, they’re promptly disposed of. Cop shows, regardless of whether they’re procedurals, also diminish the threat and shock of actual police violence. Their ubiquity makes it too easy for some audiences to ignore how TV’s police-centric worldview has calcified."


Shut up, snowflake!


So true. And I like Chicago PD, at least the first seasons.


I love Chicago P.D. too. I will say that some of the shows have changed slightly due to the outcry for more balanced cop dramas that don't idolize the cops. New shows like The Rookie and even L&O:SVU and Chicago P.D. have become more balanced in their treatment of both cops and the communities they work in. The Rookie in particular had an interesting three-episode arc in it's second season about how one of the main black characters on the show had to deal with a racist cop he was working with, while eventually having to call him out for the way he automatically treated the black folks in the 'hood they patrolled like criminals, even when they weren't doing anything wrong. How the racist cop finally got taken down---due to his own BS catching up with him---was pretty satisfying. But, yeah, some of these cop shows have been making an effort to stop being "copaganda" and show how even cops arent perfect and need to be called out of some of the things they do, instead of people just blindly thinking that cops have the right to do whatever the hell they want simply because they're cops.


What about shield?


Well, we got the Sopranos, Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy that showcase the other POV.


That goes the same for shows about the criminals. They try and make it look like the crims are victims in some way.


seems most on this site only care what color a person is.all i know is bring sophis bush back and kill off that annoying blonde. sge acts like it's her team
