MovieChat Forums > Kevin Feige Discussion > Conspiracy to get rid of him

Conspiracy to get rid of him

I've heard some fascinating stuff that's been going on behind the scenes at Disney and Marvel studios on YouTube, and honestly, if you listen to Cameron Pasha, it's shocking. But it makes sense too.

There's a reason his Marvel stuff had been doing terribly since "Infinity War." Feige and Bob Chapek (owner and CEO of Walt Disney Studios) don't like each other now, and there's been an ongoing feud going on between them. The long-established elite in that branch of Hollywood (the people you don't see) don't like Kevin either. They've been secretly sending Feige people to give him bad advice about how to do Marvel movies, and the idiot's been falling for the traps, hook, line, and sinker. They basically want to make him look bad so they have cause to get rid of him.

If anyone wants to watch the videos, please ask, I'll post links below.


Won't be surprised. This is why some of us like myself were not happy with Disney buying out Marvel. Look at the mess they made with Star Wars. Like you said, they are run by the deep state establishment, and they use the brand to push their agendas on the masses.


I think you meant since "End Game" since that movie made billions of dollars. Anyway, I don't believe any rumors/conspiracies since Kathleen Kennedy is still in charge of Lucasfilm.


She's a figurehead now. Her creative power over Lucasfilm has been reduced severely, and a number of her projects, including "The Acolyte" and her "High Republic" crap has been shelved. Ruin Johnson's new shit Star Wars trilogy has been canned too. Patty Jenkins isn't even working "Rogue Squadron" anymore. John Favreau is the one in charge of most of the Star Wars projects now.

KK was allowed to work on her Indiana Jones 5 film, until word got out about the story involving killing off Indy in the past (during a time-travel adventure) and having Phoebe Waller Bridge take over for him. Now, despite her contract being extended by one year, the Indiana Jones film has been "delayed" by one year too.


Blah blah blah, don't know what you're talking about. You don't live in Hollywood, don't work in Hollywood, don't know any of these people. What goes on in the mind of a person so demented as to talk about insider stuff as if they were in the loop because of kids on YouTube?


I believe it. They got what they wanted out of him. Now he's in the way.


If this has indeed happened then it's Kevin Feige's own fault. Nobody has to listen to the dumb, racist ideas of today's incarnation of the SJW, or more generally anyone who has no clue about the elements of good movies including the mindless junk food Marvel has specialized in churning out.


None of those YouTubers know anything about what's going on in Hollywood, you freak. There's something mentally wrong with all of you people, who sit there watching clickbait crap from basement dwelling YouTubers thinking they actually have some inside track about behind the scenes stuff.


It's time for him to go. Everything after Infinity War has been terrible.


And he can take Taika Watiti the Dumb Shit with him.
