elprimitivo's Replies

12. Your Times Coming- Faron Young Dean Martin...Tex and the Horseheads 11. Blood for Dracula (1974) It's right there in your sig and highlighted to boot. Seems you're always here blaming all your problems on one particular group of people. 5. The Call of the Wild 1. A Tale of Two Cities 5. TV Party- Black Flag Weed candy and Coca Cola, the poor man's speedball. Bye No man. How many did you ask? Danger 5 1. Bulworth (1998) 2. The Candidate (1972) 3. The Ides of March (2011 4. Mr Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 5. The American President (1995) 6. The King’s Speech (10) 7. All the King's Men (1949) 8. Seven Days in May (1964) 9. The Iron Lady (2012) 10) Dave (1993) 11. The Manchurian Candidate (1962) Your drug of choice it seems. I don't think the founding fathers and the Confederates were afraid of retribution. I thought you were talking rebellion. So the colonies had permission from the British in the Revolutionary War and the South had permission from the North in the Civil War? You need permission for a rebellion? All talk, no action.