MovieChat Forums > Politics > Does USA Need Apartheid?

Does USA Need Apartheid?

Apartheid isn't the right word. What did they call it when Britain moved all the Muslims out of "India" and into Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Move all the White people out of the Confederacy, move all the Black people into the Confederacy.

This cycle is ridiculous and I have to believe it's only going to get worse.

And to be perfectly honest (and callous) I don't really care about the shootings. I DO care that this violence that happens in shitholeland carries over to places like L.A. and New York, where we actually have valuable assets that we can't replace with a week's wages.


If you ask around South Africa... Most of the black folk will tell you they miss Apartheid. Why? They had running water, working electricity, sustainable food supplies...

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


How many did you ask?
