MovieChat Forums > Politics > New term:

New term:


This is what I will now call wokism or political correctness or whatever term is designed to cover up what is essentially flat out racism against white people. Any ideology that encourages you to blame all your problems on one particular group of people needs to be described as what it is:



Seems you're always here blaming all your problems on one particular group of people.


What group is that?

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


It's right there in your sig and highlighted to boot.


TBF, The term Leftists is a collection of several "particular" groups. Even if these groups are 90% n lockstep...there's still a 10% that ensures some nuance.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Absolutely and I totally agree.


What is your ethnicity?


Why are you even worried about someone else's ethnicity?


If you are not an actual white person then wokery and political correctness does not concern you.


Wokeness concerns everybody. Successful people who thrive in a white supremacist system are considered "white sympathizers" by the CRT crazies. Males of all races also should be concerned about efforts to dismantle intersectionality. Also, biological females might object to some of this transgender rights stuff that might chip away at female rights. I'm caucasian but everybody should be concerned about wokeness.


I'm still confused on what exactly "Trans Rights" are... what rights do they not possess?

The right to be lewd perverts in public?

The right to groom and fuck children?

Someone help me out here.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


I believe the most important right that the trans people would want would be the right to live openly as a transgender person. Transgender people are often murdered or assaulted so some civil rights protections would be appropriate.

I generally don't support biological males competing against females in sporting events and I think that people with male genitalia need to use the male bathrooms, male locker rooms AND male prisons. A lot of the trannies that go to women's prisons end up impregnating the inmates. I don't think we want to mandate tranny bathrooms since every fringe group will have to be accommodated.


Transgender people live in the LGTBQ communities and the entertainment business communities so they do not need extra protection. Most all the people who work in the entertainment business are psychopath persons and that is the price a person pays for being a part of the entertainment business. Any psychopath person can easily kill another person without any provocation so entertainment business people are always a threat. The USA governments and the USA justice system are owned by psychopath people as well and I am sure that they will give transgender people extra protection just because all psychopath people are capable of being transgender so psychopath lawyers, judges and lawmakers can sympathize with transgender people.

People who are sane, who can feel real emotions avoid interacting with transgender people because they can sense that something is psychologically wrong with them(not having to do with their gender). Psychologically normal people avoided transgender people even before they converted to another gender.

Most murdered males who transgender to women are african american and the male who killed them is also african american. The reason why this murder happened is unknown.


A high-IQ psychopath can perform well in various professions and they might even be needed. A cop/soldier has to act quickly to extinguish a threat so they cannot hesitate while worrying about a criminal's or combatant's feelings. A salesperson has to focus on meeting their sales quotas so will thrive by selling somebody a product that they do not need. A psychopath care worker will not work since they will probably ignore the patient's pleas for help. Not all psychopaths are going to kill people but they might want all your money.

You're focusing on psychopaths but sociopaths can be just as bad. There are TEN personality disorders that I know of and psychopathy is just one of the antisocial personality disorders. Paranoid and schizotypal personality disorders also look dangerous.

I don't believe there is any evidence linking gender fluidity to psychopathy. There are many endocrine disruptors that circulate in the environment and impact a person's hormones.


Most all male persons who are serial killers dressed up as women in their private lives so there is something about psychopathy and transgenderism. A psychopath person has no emotion to hold them in to one place so it is very easy for them to declare that they are a different gender and live the life of that different gender.


It's not a new term. It's been around forever so you should probably use wokeness for the various social justice ideologies. I use wokeness to describe CRT, anti-racism, DEI, EQUITY, intersectionality, postmodernism/postcolonialism, queer/gender theory and other social justice drivel.

My dad told me that LIFE IS NOT FAIR but one has to work hard to do their best. I embrace equality of opportunity for all BUT I condemn EQUITY. * Not new term *


What is your ethnicity?


A bot named dirkstaller is trying to derail the subject.


That poster thinks only wypipo have to worry about wokeness but all people should be concerned. Christopher Rufo has been campaigning about wokeness and he wanted to label it all as critical race theory. I prefer the wokeness umbrella term to capture all this crazy drivel. * Christopher Rufo *


What is a bot?


Thanks for the heads up ... just to let you know, I'd call that moronicalism.
