juviejay's Replies

1. Alien (1979) 2. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 3. Interstellar (2014) 4. Passengers (2016) 5. Planet of the Apes (1968) 6. Pitch Black (2000) 7. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) 8. Pandorum (2009) 9. 65 (2023) 10. Event Horizon (1997) 11. Avatar (2009) 12. Oxygen (2021) 13. Supernova (2000) I guess they felt he was useless alive. They had already tried to scare him, to no avail. Now they could only use his death to threaten the others into cooperating. Plus, the bet. OK. correct. I'm sorry to say that I agree with most everything that's been said here. This new bit where they prep someone for a 30 second commercial is not funny at all. correct 80s I got dozens of friends and the fun never ends, That is as long as I'm buying. 80s And being apart ain't easy on this love affair. Two strangers learn to fall in love again. Animal - Def Leppard I don't hear that. I think maybe you're hearing what you want to hear, lol. I always thought it was about "bad habits." Smoking, drinking, watching TV, drugs, porn. These so called bad habits may not be the best thing for your, but they aren't the worst, either. And, hey, if they make you happy... I like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ikjmz_SlGhg What type is that? Okay, did a little research. Turns out the writer and director both agree that Die Hard IS a Christmas movie. However, articles on the subject only go back to about 2017, six years ago. Not "decades," but within my time frame. I wasn't kidding. I had never heard anyone call Die Hard a Christmas movie until I did. Maybe people had been debating it, but not where I live, and I do have TV, cable and internet access. Look at these boards. See if there really has been a debate for "decades." I'm betting not. It appears you are caught up in the trappings. 🎅🎄 If anything, it's more of a Western. Lawman rolls into town, has to save the people from the bad guys. Lots of guns and shooting. Has a side kick and wins the girl. yippe ky ai mother fu ker! Nice post. I also loved The Last Boyscout. Yeah, it is a "buddy movie," but it's one of the best buddy/action films out there, if not THE best. That's a good point, though the cops also did lose a few folks when they tried sending in "The Carrrr." Well, I picked John because he wins, but it's close. Takagi I didn't figure in cause he's not there very long. As for the FBI, yeah, they are kind of dumb. I guess I rated them ahead of the LAPD just because of their reputation, and because they seemed to have a plan as to how to deal with the terrorists (albeit, a bad one for this situation). I am neither a troll nor a sock account. I've been posting on these boards for years, and I posted on them when they were IMDB boards. And I did watch that video. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said "stupid." I tend to be overly critical. And, yes, he does have gifts for his children, but he never actually gets to see them open them. He's too busy killing terrorists, something very un-CHRIST-mas like. And that is the majority of the film. It's really, a refute of the Christian ethic of loving your enemies and turning the other cheek. Takagi tries this and gets his face blown off. Ellis tries it and he gets dealt with similarly. While the movie is set during Christmas, and may have the trappings of Christmas, it is most definitely not a Christmas movie with its message. Ivana Trump, I mean. Look what happened to her. Same was as Jeremy Epstein. But Trump eventually turns on everyone, if they don't turn on him first. I love how he stole all the money people sent him to run his campaign. Hilarious. That's the kind of stupidity I'm talking about. It's obviously not a Christmas Movie. There's no gift giving, no Santa, no reindeer, no elves, no North Pole, no Mrs. Clause, and nothing else (other than trees and a few decorations) that we associate with Christmas. There's not even the traditional religious theme as there is no baby Jesus and no turning of the other cheek. You can make up whatever B.S. you want to support whatever skewed view you might have, but we all know the truth, this is an excellent action film that (for plot structure) ostensibly happened at Christmas time.