Windsaar's Replies

Without the DDay invasion of Normandy, there would have been no story, though. Dday lays the foundation for the entire movie. Pvt. Ryan wouldn't have air-dropped into France, and wouldn't have been lost. His brother wouldn't have died on the beach, thus Matt Damon wouldn't have been the last surviving son. Tom Hanks & CO. wouldn't be looking for anyone, as they wouldn't have even been in the European theater and wouldn't have been given a mission to locate Ryan. I love both movies, and I can DEFINITELY see the glaring similarities though. Both movies are about the American Military and have battle scenes. The entire time I was reading the "rebuttal" ("if i were winding you toys up..") all i could think was "this post is 3 years old now, I hope SOMEONE replied with the obvious in the time that's elapsed. I'm glad to have seen your post directly afterward. Now I don't have to say it lol Lol of course prisoners occasionally stab each other. I'm not sure why you definitively said "no". Usually when people are completely and utterly ignorant about a subject, it's best to just not say anything or pretend to be.. 5 years late, but look up Jeremy Epstein and how he "hanged himself" in prison. That's one recent case I can think of. Guards assisting prisoners to smuggle drugs into prison seemed completely implausible? What? How do you think the majority of drugs get into prisons? I didn't realise we were specifically talking about MovieChat, I assumed we were discussing the entire industry/media. Which is why I cited my examples. Nobody really gets upset about diversity and "PC agenda" except trolls who try to get a rise out of people. "Oscar so white" for example. Or how Jordan Peele couldn't not win awards for his movies if he tried. In reality, there are many movies that wouldn't fly today, but they're on the opposite end of the spectrum. It's the PC crowd that flips the fuck out normally. Movies with all white cast, violent movies, movies about certain subject matter. A lot of films from the 80's + 90's would be boycotted and the directors would be crucified. Your reply to Kowalski, for example, states my case perfectly. I'm not positive, but I'm sure that there are other directors who use tracks and steady cams in their movies. Scorsese might be the only director in Hollywood who does though. I'll have to watch any other movie other made to be sure though. Also, the way the movie was filmed holds no bearing on the storytelling itself. I agree that a few scenes were kind of shaky, but a big chunk of the movie was pretty steady. Old thread and post, but "Christiannyblom" could not have been more correct if they tried. The movie wasn't set in the 90's and it wasn't "black vs Hispanics". It WAS infact "cops vs everyone". It's basically the very definition of trolling. Abrasive, no actual contribution to the conversation...just throwing insults and seeing what sticks. Like what children do lol. Trolling used to be an art. Now it's just people trying to string together as many offensive words as they can in a sentence to just try to get a rise out of people. Sad day. Phenomenal movie. How is it that he's been consistently been getting roles for 24 years after Casino if it ruined his career? Normally for a career to be over, you need to stop working in said field. ^ This ^. I was thinking the same thing kind of. Not arthritis, though. "And after Sheeran's dislocated hip healed, he was discharged from the hospital and went back to working for Russ". Not literally, of course. But that's where my head went for sure. De Niro's character was lucky the grocer didn't just one-punch him to death lol. Agreed completely. However, the topic at hand isn't about trying to find things to complain about in virtually any movie featuring violence. Nor is it about "taking out a room full of guys" or "90 pound girls". The OP started a thread specifically about one scene in one movie. To say, "well this movie doesn't do it any better" isn't actually a rebuttal to the discussion. It's just a classic case of what's called a "straw man argument". That aside, that scene WAS (imo) one of the worst in the movie. It completely shatters the suspension of disbelief because it's very apparent that De Niro is in his 70's, as he moves like an old man throughout the scene. It looked like he was hitting him in slow-mo. It depends on where and when, as well. It's hard to categorize millions of people under one blanket. Historically (for arguments sake), the communists/socialists were/are far left, while the conservatives and fascism were/are on the far right. That's not to say every "left-leaner" is a commie or socialist, same as every "right-leaner" isn't fascist. Both sides have had thier share of censorship, book banning/burnings and "fear-mongering" throughout their histories though. Now, I'm no political science expert or anything but it seems that both extremes on the spectrum are kind of crazy in their own ways. IMO, anyway. I agree that the thread is about the actors and not the characters they play. On the other hand though, I also think that the casting directors should at least try to make an effort to cast someone who looks like their character. That aside, I think Gary Oldman might have been a good Jimmy Hoffa. He doesn't really look a lot like him a ton though, maybe if he gained a bit of weight beforehand? I think the "de-aging" technology is kind of interesting and would be cool for little flashback scenes here and there. To use it for like 1/3rd of the film was a little much though, especially since it's still in its infancy and has a lot of kinks to be ironed out. De Niro still moved like an old man and it was obvious that he's not the young lad he was billed to play. (Also, De Niro is what, 5'10"? Sheeran was what, 6'4"-6'5"?) I think with the "young" characters having such a significant amount of screentime, that they should have given the part(s) to a younger generation though. Agreed. He didn't have a ton of screen time, but he definitely held his own and did a great job. I haven't seen much of him tbh. The stuff I have seen him in I enjoyed though. "Snatch", "Gangs of New York", "Man with the Iron Heart", "Public Enemies", "Boardwalk Empire" and of course, "the Irishman" are the only things I think I've seen him in. Off the top of my head, anyway. I love GoNY, but he really stood out in Boardwalk Empire to me. Is "midget" on what banned word? How can a word be on another word? I assume by "crazy left" you meant to try to get a little politic dig on a wholly unrelated topic. Both extremes of of the political spectrum are kind of crazy, your point is kind of moot. Some kids just can't make viable arguments or form grown-up opinions. Therefore they resort to insults and go out of thier way to add nothing of substance to the subject at hand in order to attempt to get a rise out of people. You're welcome son. Say "hi" to mom for me if I'm not home before dinner. Anyway, my point will never be moot, because it'll always be advisable to watch a movie BEFORE deciding if it's worthy of acclaim and awards. From the first movie ever filmed until the end of cinema. Some people simply cannot be reasoned with. It is what it is. At least you understood what I was saying.