MovieChat Forums > Starred Up (2014) Discussion > this film shows why prisoners should be ...

this film shows why prisoners should be the people who run this country

they may shank each other and in some cases anally bruise each other but at least there Is code and integrity and fight in these people

look at our politicians they are spineless wrecks, out of touch with general society and completely oblivious as to the countrys real issues

there should be a system where they release serious offenders for three days a week, instruct them in the ways of politics and allow them to influence political decisions. this would allow our politicians to become more grounded and also put fear into them as they cower from the heavy hand of a life sentenced convict who possibly murdered four people while robbing a post office

with this type of forward thinking this country could become powerful once again


Why not ensure every Home Secretary upon appointment spends a week in prison with other Home Office ministers?

That would bring some reforms on a bit quicker.


they may shank each other and in some cases anally bruise each other but at least there Is code and integrity and fight in these people

... in the movies about prison.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


and real prisons

i have a ten minute posting quota because I called the imdb staff scumbags




yes. and all prison wardens are evil megalomaniacs

i have a ten minute posting quota because I called the imdb staff scumbags


Lol of course prisoners occasionally stab each other.
I'm not sure why you definitively said "no".

Usually when people are completely and utterly ignorant about a subject, it's best to just not say anything or pretend to be..
