Windsaar's Replies

Snoop has been around for like 30 years, so it's natural people would have heard of him. He's been involved in every form of media, even Martha Stuart Show. Since everybody should have heard of them (OR be a fan) to qualify as a legend, this would mean the OPs question is moot as there are none. Was also a teenager at his peak I heard of him from the kids at school and his constant air-play. You knew Tupac, him and BIG have gone down in history together though Apparently not the channels or magazines that discuss rap, or the radio stations that played it. I also watch tv, read and listen to music, but haven't heard of everyone in the genres I don't pay attention to. That said, all I was saying was he wasn't a nobody when he was alive and played a big part in the whole industry. His fans, or anybody that read magazines, watched tv or listened to the radio, yes. Some people hadn't heard of him, agreed, but he was definitely known among more than just his fans. I was just going off the example you used. You mentioned the media propping people up in the 2000s because they died, and cited Biggie and Aaliyah. You could have meant that the media decided to start propping up Biggie +8 years after he died for no reason, though. Soulja boy didn't change music, though. Some people think he's talented, I can't think of any artists who've been influenced by him though. The people who are/were influenced by him obviously think he's scary talented, though. Generally influence does equal talent, though, yeah. It's entirely a matter of opinion, though. On the other hand, if they weren't good, and nobody thought they were good, people wouldn't try to emulate. I agree with you there, and although we can (probably safely) assume that he has lived there long enough to be affected by the local accents, there isn't any indication in the film to know how long he has been there. It could have been 30 years, it could have been 6 months. Not trying to hijack the thread, but I agree. Been a big fan of Rockwell's since I saw Green Mile. "He was such a good boy" - Most psychos mothers. Both excellent choices. Ribisi was awesome in The Gift. Agree so much. This can be applied to any faucet of life, not just musicians though. Like when I was in highschool, for example, there were a handful of deaths. They went from being the school bullies and assholes to everyone talking about how great they were and how everyone will miss them and how the world is a darker place..yadda yadda. Nah. If you're a fuckin prick alive, you're just a dead prick when you pass. Harsh, but oh so true. Biggie wasn't "no talent" or "mediocre", though. He also didn't die in the 2000s. Your personal opinion doesn't equate to fact, though. He's still talked about and an influence to artists to this day. There are many musicians and artists I can't stand, but can still admit they are/were talented. This comment is good, lol No doubt lol. And kids today are growing up watching Narcos and the 600 various drug related shows on Netflix. I also didn't see Santa on the sweater. Looked like a snowman in a Santa hat to me. It really depends on the articles you read, tbh. The sciences and math stuff are fine. Also, Wikipedia already has enough money to run thier servers for a very long time. They just keep asking because some people keep giving. Inb4 "source?": There's a bunch more, but I only posted two. Random fact: Wikipedia spends approximately 6% of it's revenue on the actual wiki. They spend more on "travel and conferences" and rent for their offices (separately, I mean) Any superhero (DC/Marvel) movie. Don't care which one, take your pick. Tired of getting beat over the head with 100 superhero movies a year for the last decade. Explosions sell on the foreign/international markets, though. So the dumber the movie and the simpler it is to follow, the more money it will make. You might be psychic lol. The Passion is the story of Jesus' arrest and crucifixion, though. So seeing all the violence was expected. I watch "Passion of the Christ" every Christmas and Easter. My brother thinks it's weird. What I find strange is that people went to see the Passion, then got upset that it was about the Passion. Like it wasn't supposed to have violence or the suffering he went through. That's what the story is. That aside, different strokes for different folks. Also, how come you walked out after 15minutes? None of the blood, gore or real violence starts until a good 40mins for a couple of punches. Saw it in theaters 3 times, no one left though. Maybe you live somewhere that didn't know the Passion was about the Passion? Lol Lol. Didn't merit addressing? They were replies to each and every point you made. If they didn't merit being discussed, why did you bring them up in the first place? Some people just can't have civil discourse. Someone says something that casts doubt on what they say or provides evidence to counter their points, and they just can't handle it. They move goalposts, argue the straw man, resort to getting in little digs and insults. It's just how some people are. If they aren't right 100% of the time, they can't handle it. Anyway, this is all going nowhere, now. It's clear you don't know (or care to) discuss anything that may clash with what you believe is right and true. So there's really no sense in even trying. Why thank you. Nothing in my posts was geared toward psychology, except maybe the last two sentences of my last post (kind of). Other than that, my posts were replies to your other ones. All of the points I made were ignored so you could zero in on the last two sentences of an 8 paragraph post lol