johnnybear's Replies

It's there. The Chief seems very alarmed at first and then angry that the Doctor is in their base. It's only that regeneration wasn't a thing at that time that stops people accepting the Chief is the Master! His hatred of the Doctor spans from his betraying here I believe... Shut the door Mary JB I can't really reply as I haven't watched the new series since 2017! Shut the door Mary JB On Thames TVs 1980/81 screening of the series Take The Celestra was shown after Fire in Space in November 80 and that gave us an eight week break for the series before War of The Gods resumed the series in February 1981! They did omit The Living Legend two parter although they showed Mission Galactica as a two part episode after Hand of God! Shut the door Mary JB Tom Baker was joking as he was quite morose at the time for having left the show which he found was his entire life. JNT was asked about a female Doctor in the late 80s too and said that wasn't an option he wanted to pursue. I say let them do what they like with the show as it's going to lose even more viewers and interest from the public and the day we don't have to pay the license anymore can't come quick enough for me! Shut the door Mary JB I love the glimpses of her red knickers and sexy white thigh boots in this story too! Shut the door Mary JB The Doctor ran for his life after seeing the War Chief at the end of part four so that is hardly the actions of them not having much history together. I believe they knew each other very well and although the Chief had only left Gallifrey more recently than the Doctor it is still evident that he knows who he is. Later on when the Doctor pretends to be joining the War Lords the Chief seems overjoyed and believes the Doctor will help him in their conquest of the galaxy like two very old friends coming back together after a long time apart or ending a feud! Shut the door Mary JB Not really. He changes into other people yes, but it has always been a white male of usually an older age but with occasional younger incarnations. The gender bending idea came with Neil Gaiman's The Doctor's Wife, and had never been mentioned before although it is possible that Moffat instructed him to add that line or he may have done it himself. Moffat really was the architect of the show's demise and Chinballs continued it by destroying the established history of the show and sadly RTD has now wiped it off of the face of the earth! Shut the door Mary JB Agreed. My interest was low anyways. I'll stick with the classic series! JB Try to like him as the Master and their feud makes so much more sense! JB The real Doctors never did and were always middle aged to elderly Victorian/Edwardian gentlemen! JB Invented by that hack Moffat!!! Never in it before not once! JB And it was pretty bad then!!! JB In plain English what does any of that mean? JB Agreed. I'm fed up with these woke twats! JB Having a black man play the doctor is all wrong!!!! It's not like a black guy being the main star of a new series. This is a television programme that has existed for fifty eight years and the new producers/showrunners have got a badger up their ass with this hokey, rubbish idea!!! Shut the door Mary JB They were trapped in it's psychic web is the answer! Shut the door Mary JB I think there is an error with the Duncan in Arabia and his first meeting with Xavier though as Duncan had been living in France before that and seemed somewhat educated but he had reverted to his Scots accent and his somewhat braggart demeanour while living with Hamza before Xavier took his head! So either the writers made a boo-boo or the compiler did? Shut the door, Mary JB Considering how well Adrian got on with Elizabeth Gracen during the filming of the series I wonder if they ever, actually, you know... Shut the door, Mary JB How could the Earth have reached the alien's home planet in the sixties or even now? JB Shut the door, Mary Can anyone name which three episodes of the series used the term Black Sun? JB Shut the door, Mary