MovieChat Forums > Battlestar Galactica (1978) Discussion > Other Questions from War of the Gods

Other Questions from War of the Gods

Just finished watching these two episodes and I have some more questions besides the content of the ship questions as listed in another thread.

So I take it the intro with Patrick McNee is now gone? it wasn't in this episode either.

With both missing patrols, they showed 5 vipers, yet each time they said 4 ships were missing. What is the story with this?

So Sheba just leaves a perfectly good viper on the planet when taking the shuttle with Apollos body back to the Galactica?

My wife pointed this out - if Sheba left all of her belongings on the Pegasus, where did she get all of her changes of clothes?

Does Apollo bunk in the barracks with the other fighters, and if so, where do Boxey and Muffit stay? I thought he had his own quarters.

And does anyone else think this whole angel thing is weird?

Thoughts anyone?


It may have been a conscious decision to omit Patrick McNee's voiceover for this particular episode, War of the Gods because they probably wanted to distance Count Iblis, an evil character, from the person who does the voice over.

I would surmise they were supposed to come up with a special effect to depict 4 vipers, but decided to reuse the same old effect with 5 vipers. By then, they couldn't reshoot the scenes to indicate 5 vipers.

They probably sent a shuttle with an extra pilot, back to the planet to retrieve Sheba's viper.

Sheba probably borrowed some clothes from Cassieopia, or Athena. Or maybe Apollo gave her all of the clothes in Serena's wardrobe.

Warriors who are single, probably have to bunk in the barracks. Warriors who are sealed or have families, probably have their own private quarters near the barracks. Starbuck and Boomer would bunk with the rest of their squadron in the barracks, but Apollo probably has his own quarters.

The whole ship of lights arc is such a huge part of the Battlestar Galactica mythos, but I was never crazy about it. The whole "non interference" was a convenient plot device to keep these superior beings from helping the Galactica find Earth.


Patrick Macnee's opening intro stopped 7 episodes earlier, last one they used it for was Gun on Ice Planet Zero Part 1. I always loved that intro, he had the perfect voice for it. As far as the angel thing goes do you not know the history of this show? Glen A Larson was LDS (Mormon) and lots of the things he has in this show are kind of based on that. Even though there are goofs in this episode like all the questions you bring up I do think it's a pretty cool episode. I always liked that crystal ship that captures the fighter pilots. Was just kind of cool to me then and still is now.


"Patrick Macnee's opening intro stopped 7 episodes earlier, last one they used it for was Gun on Ice Planet Zero Part 1"

No, it was last used on "Take the Celestra". Probably the episode was running short so they used the longer intro.


On Thames TVs 1980/81 screening of the series Take The Celestra was shown after Fire in Space in November 80 and that gave us an eight week break for the series before War of The Gods resumed the series in February 1981! They did omit The Living Legend two parter although they showed Mission Galactica as a two part episode after Hand of God!
Shut the door Mary
