Why the Amanda hate?

Amanda was my favorite character. I liked almost all the characters, but she really stood out to me so I don't understand why there is so much hate about her.

Anyone want to say what it is was that turned you off to the character?


I never saw the hate at the time... but looking back I think it's a combination of factors...

1. she became "writer's Pet"... a little Amanda goes a long way, yet mid season 5 she was practically a regular (looking at the page I'm surprised she's only in 18 episodes total (it cites 20, but two are credit only; and even being added to the Credits seems forced)

2. the spin off had issues... the damage they did to her characterization there easily tints the nostalgia filters and affects her perception on the series

3. the actress's real life issues... again unrelated directly to the character, but can skew ones' opinion

4. some people simply shipped Duncan in another direction... and the writers bringing her back repeatedly as a 'bunk monkey'/FWB scuttles their ships... also for some, having met Duncan as the dedicated Boyfriend for Season 1, that he'd fall back into bed with Amanda alters his characterization as well, not only does it make him the kind of guy who does 'Friends with benefits', but having been hooking up off and on since they met in what the 1700s?, means that his decade of Monogamy with Tessa was the anomaly in his 400 year lifespan, not his normal.


With the hate ? maybe its the spin off that did not know what or where it was, heard/saw, dont know which that the spin was to have taken place before she re met up with Mac in the Highlander series but then if that was the case, should have been called pre ??? Though watched, did I see all the spin off, dont know, but it was ok for what it was and did not make me dislike her, though I did not mind her on Highlander, she was who she was.

To me, think Duncan did make her life all the more better, and we get a bit of that hint in the ending of the show and the fact that Duncan was more important to those who knew/know him, that even though she was who she was, and we know she had nothing before her 1st death and was also 800 yrs older than Duncan, but for that friendship/relationship, however out of wack it was, she was a much better person because of Duncan and still had a heart and soul that allowed her to really love, and she did, even if it was askew.

Live life to be alive...and may your day be well or find one thing that gives you that little extra, even just a 😄


When I was young, first time watching, I thought she was annoying with her schemes and dragging Duncan into trouble. A few years ago when I watched again, I loved her. I suppose as I got older, I learned to appreciate different types of characters. I found her fun, and thought she and Duncan had great sexy chemistry.


Who was her psychotic boyfriend that I keep hearing about but....


Considering how well Adrian got on with Elizabeth Gracen during the filming of the series I wonder if they ever, actually, you know...
Shut the door, Mary
