MovieChat Forums > tcrum > Replies

tcrum's Replies

Oh sorry phones texting yah I get it now... Blah Blah Blah whatever. I was close enough that I feel ok.. Why did these shortened letter things become such a craze in the last 10 years? Is everyone copying IBM...I just don't get it. Well now I really feel old. It took me a full 2 minutes "with wine brain" to figure out irl meant Internet real life...Please let that be right. So funny.. Someone called me on saying He drown or drowned in the pool and we had a funny argument over what I said. It really bugged them that I might have used the past tense blah blah blah.. Really? I still say I said it correctly. I have also been called out for supposedly saying expresso instead of espresso. That movie title always makes me think of this awesome cheesy tv movie called Midnight Offerings with Melissa sue anderson from little house. Strangely I am happier now..but not much.. I hope thats not 7 marriages fail or you got some explaining to do...:} Looks very interesting. A Mystery I assume... beautiful. But in my mind Guitar can never compete with Piano. Even Eric Clapton The Jams... I think my most controversial is that every superhero movie for the past 15 years sucks. Transformers sucks. Captain America sucks.. The one with Robert Downey Jr as I dont know who cares sucks. Heres one that will piss everyone off, Gaurdians of the stupid galaxy sucks. I would give up many things to be able to play piano. I have no skill with instruments. If I could play the classics I would die a happy girl. Ballet I love to watch but don't want to live on 500 calories a day. No but it does look intriguing on imdb. Am I the only one who has a second window open for Imdb to respond on this site . and if I'm honest the dictionary, I hate spelling things wrong. The IMDb pictures looks adorable for this. I'm going to check it out. I'm going to add Picnic at hanging rock 1975 and Walkabout 1971. Weirdly after all these years these are the movies that stick in my head. Absolutely nothing. And after cleaning out my last home for sale I'm going with the stark hospital motif in my next home. Thanks yours made sense I was lost. So do I say a clue and say stonekeeper... I.e So like guy flying on a winged creature 80s movie? I have had some unfortunate experiences with this topic. My husbands father dying of prostate cancer, not going into details obviously but this is where assisted suicide makes sense. Its like America prefers you to suffer for 5 weeks because of there religious beliefs. They put an animal down in pain before humans. I guess I'll stick with soapcentrals message board. Sorry Didn't see the last 5 years... Thought it was in general. Before Streaming when there where only VHS tapes. If i couldn't sleep I'd pop in something calming to sleep to..So I have seen the following many, many times. Fletch, Seems like old times, Foul Play. I can't think of any others, since streaming I can't watch these anymore. Chevy Chase in the 80s was sleep inducing.