MovieChat Forums > tcrum > Replies

tcrum's Replies

State or country?? Its the first thing I look at... when i see 450 I'm thinking wow this person has allot to say, or they want some extra page count from Amazon Unlimited. Stretching things out is the way of the world. Why say something succinct, song or book when you can drag it out for no reason. Anyone heard the repeat in songs 4 times. I love rock an roll..really we needed you to say that a sixth time. Thank you for backing me up. 500 pages no no no I have been loving this band for the last year and thanking Canada. Anyway there still good. Blast you. Your right. All this time I was thinking Canada.. Wow. Great movie but 9 times ..Wow No Don't say that. Its not genius, but the worst? Come on Real Housewives, Judge Judy? Fletch Once I sell my current house I never want to hear the words Xfinity Again... I'm going Hulu, maybe CBS all access for Young and the Restless. I hope Xfinity suffers the same fate as Blockbuster..Goodbye I will not miss you. I'm sure its a score for some movie.. Moonlight Sonata. I actually heard it today in a random way and thought wow, just wow. Memento About 50k from selling a house in the up market 12 years ago but it went into the next house in the same up market never to be seen again. I think I'm out of my depth.. I'll step away quietly... i still dont understand this but I'm going to throw a difficult clue. Who was a main player on Monk the tv series and also a big player in the movie The silence of the lambs. Name that actor. If your lazy start from movie four and then keep going the story is worth it. Im 48 .Its still very special. Get yourself some beer, lock everyone out and watch the entire series. This isn't twilight trash, this is an epic saga. You should be ashamed of yourself. Seriously they really are good. For the love of god at least read the books. As completely right as the post is I don't think he gets the site. Drink and post stupid things. This guys seems to be trying to say something important and I respect him for it, but there are no answers, just drink that beer. Can the grammer police check my run on sentence? Seems like old times is great but check out Foul Play same actors. Really funny. You are right. That's why I ignore most things people say and don't read "news". I use the term "news" very loosely. Its better to stay in your own little intelligent bubble then get sucked into the trash.