MovieChat Forums > tcrum > Replies

tcrum's Replies

I actually started eating some of these "burgers", in the morning, I don't eat eggs , cereal very often. The best part is they are high protein , fiber and low calorie. So for like 100 to 150 calories you can have a meal. Thats my diet tip for the day. The lastest episode of Masterchef and than I have 4 episodes of Days of our Lives to catch up on with FF. again its for sleep.. I also have audible book readers who's voice puts me to sleep and more... Well I have three shows on night repeat...Bobs burgers,, Brooklyn 99 and strangley its helps me sleep Married with Children. Hey don't judge. Days of our Live favorite couple now and in the past. Now...Ciara and Ben Past..Kayla and Steve. Oh my god yes..... No its a ban... A big juicy steak or Game of Thrones.... I am assuming you live in Massachusetts. I used to live in MA, But here in Arizona 35k for K through 5 is Standard. elementary school K-5 So what are your favorite things. You have given up alot of what most people enjoy. I mean my favorites are reading , alcohol, and meat. Movies in the 80s were far better. I have said it before but the Avengers..Transformers... iron man are not good movies. I'll take the breakfast club or clash of the titans anyday. Music not so much. If you play the game SongPop you hear the 80s again in a whole new bad light. The 90s ruled for Music. The fun of an anonymous forum is being free with your ideas. What does it hurt. But of course don't give out locations phone address, SSN obviously. Depends on if your sick of hearing it, or just didn't like it to start with. I can't hear smells like teen spirit anymore, i've heard too many times. Maybe in 10 years I can reappreciate it. Something like I love rock and roll is just awful to start. i havn't missed allot so good luck stumping me movie or music...i dare you favorite tv fanale Well I a m going with Buffy... the show that broke every rule. just from a taste stand point gin and tonic is aweful. Sorry I hate any drink that taste sweet,accept my college drink white russian . I would rather drink anything than wine coolers. Sugery wine is my stop point. Oh my god very funny. My college drink white russian and if I had 20 pounds to play with I'd still be drinking cream, coffee and vodka. delicious. So you would rather have a wine cooler than scotch. No judgement but mmmm. Hey we are among friends here. Don't be afraid to share your most ashamed to like drink...