abigolcwock's Replies

The Mary Celeste has nothing to do with the Bermuda Triangle, you absolute fkn degen no. It was a series of unfortunate events and bad choices. No drugs involved, and especially not fucking LSD lol. Alcohol probably played a role though 3 of those can hardly be called mysteries. And the pyramid one hasn't been a mystery for centuries I don't give a fuck if you watch the video or not. You can stay misinformed all you want That one was never a mystery. https://youtu.be/AgMcqNnqatw Why am I arguing with someone with the reading comprehension of a 5 year old? Oh yeah, it's the politics board on Moviechat, mbmb Neo-nazis? No. German soldiers/people during the third reich? Yes. Also not sure how you derived that from my original comment People with a mental illness are worse than the nazis? Imagine being this deluded Really dislike these extremist views on film just to try to get a reaction out of people, and removing any chance of an actual discussion coming out of it. I read the title and somewhat agreed and was interested in what you had to say. Then it's just 5 words that say nothing. And it being junk is just objectively wrong. Really sad to see the state of this site, called Moviechat. Was originally really hyped when I first found it but it's basically become this or conservatives jerking eachother off. Same, although I didn't really like the rest of the film all that much so the ending dragged it down even further Everything is better than some of the stuff on Netflix. Not much of a statement. They all died in order of their character's deaths until one of them broke the curse. But seeing as these were behind the camera it's kind of a shit reference and far from my best work. Do we have another "Alien cast situation" coming up? ty answer my fucking question degens any prior adaptation is irrelevant after the Jackson trilogy was created. Who the fuck is baksi? thanks for an actual response. Although I'm not sure I agree. I made this post 3 months ago and now with a fresh perspective I think it's pretty simple. He's just not that interesting of a person, and doesn't have a style to his movies. Going over some of the most famous directors of all time will give you the answer. Martin Scorsese - Distinct directing style, made so many great movies that are household names and has real interesting look to him and a memorable name Spielberg - Directed and produced countless classics (BTTF being one of them). That is enough, but he is also friends with George Lucas so their popularity kinda grows exponentially if you get what I'm sayin Tarantino - Real distinct style, and he does it real well and his movies make bank (plus he's still in the current zeitgeist). He's also a controversial figure Hitchcock - Real distinct style, real distinct look to him, real distinct everything. Kubrick - Kind of a legend figure with him being real mysterious. Made not only classics, but multiple top 10 material movies Nolan - Still in the current zeitgeist, not sure if his legacy will last, but at least for now he's made multiple movies that the younger generations worship Tim Burton - This guy is the answer to this question. He's basically had the exact same career trajectory as Zemeckis but somehow he is remembered. And that is all thanks to his distinct style. His movies are almost purely remembered for his style over anything else Robert Zemeckis - Boring look, personality, and unmemorable name. Has made classics that are still as popular today as they were back then but he is not tied to why they're memorable, it's mostly the cast or effects (or some gimmick). And even though BttF is probably my all time favorite movie, I'd much rather want to meet or have an autograph from any of the directors above. it's a body double, retard The incredible discussion of: "art is subjective" "no" "art is subjective" "no" "art is subjective" "no" "art is subjective" "no" "art is subjective "no". Pointless arguing with you.