abigolcwock's Replies

Why do you... Write your posts... Like a retarded 60 year old? Then go to Reddit. Anarchy is what makes this website at least somewhat exciting Well, at least your definition is consistent, eve though I don't agree with it at all How the hell are those two not action movies? Seems like you just got a warped definition of what constitutes as one Do you think all movies adhere to a single genre? A sci fi movie can also be an action movie no Season 2 is the reason I quit watching the show. So bad after an excellent season 1. The ending is cool because that is the only thing that happens in like 13 episodes. There are 9 seasons of this show now? Are any of them as bad as season 2? In Iceland it isn't necessarily a Christmas stable, but it seems that everyone owns it and has the DVD laying around in their house somewhere depends on if it's good or not What career? The only reason anyone even knows his name is because of that crap. Feel much worse for the kid actor whose life was ruined Why do you have to like the sequels to dislike the prequels who are on all accounts terrible movies? And the little Jabba guy being the first jew. Those reviews have a crazy joke/minute ratio Plinkett reviews (along with RLM as they made them famous) and Lego Star Wars are the only positives that came from the prequels. This is the funniest shit I've read on this site in quite a while. I won't continue arguing with you anymore because you're either a troll or just really dumb, and you aren't going to top this last reply in entertainment value. But I'll finish with saying that I really do recommend that video I originally linked, this channel honestly just makes incredible videos (they made one on the Mary Celeste as well btw). He doesn't necessarily debunk mysteries just comes up with the most credible explanations and does so in an engaging way. you seem to underestimate how quickly things can go bad even when you're completely sober in a location like that alright, there is so much wrong with this comment I don't even know what to say. Did you think the Bermuda Triangle was the entire North Atlantic Ocean? Because then you'd be right. Unless you disagree with what tabloid magazines constitute as The Bermuda Triangle? https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/755dCopX8AvZOjjCMTb-fuR4S8I=/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost/public/RZUCSGRHTA5MHL24ULTTM56FH4.png Can't tell if you're trolling or not. But you're such a fkn Karen that reading your comments is hilarious You personally debunked TDKR being a bloated mess? This guy must be the laziest reviewer on YT. All he does is recide the plot with way too much detail, and stopping occasionally either to make a comment that has been endlessly recycled or making some joke that is usually about his drinking. Seriously, if you've watched one of his videos and seen the movie he's reviewing then you've seen the video. Plus, as little as I like them, his hate for anything that even resembles SJW's is tired. He has yet to make a smart comment about a movie and is just really shallow with his reviews. And while someone like Jeremy Jahns is maybe equally as shallow, at least he's shallow in a reasonable amount of time. Drinker's reviews can sometimes be 20 minutes long with 0 substance.