abigolcwock's Replies

most shockingly bad =/= worst movie I have seen. It was the most shocking because I wasn't expecting that a Harry Potter movie could be that awful (plus the book is one of my favorites). It has more to do with expectations than anything. Actuallythe cringiest shit I have read in weeks. Even by Moviechat standards this is embarrassing Forgot about this post. Pretty good write-up if I may say so myself. It really is one of most shockingly bad movies I have seen You'd get what's called a sloppy thousandth Can't really think of too many comedy directors? Edgar Wright, Coen Brothers, Chaplin, the Paul guy that makes all the Kristen Wiig and friend movies, and I can't really think of anybody else. Although that isn't saying much as I'm not that well versed in film. And honestly the guy is just straight up one of the best directors of the 2000's, or at least the 2010's. It's just one of those movies I love rewatching like Hot Fuzz. So many little details and they're just great movies aswell you're right, was watching the scene just now and he said "tonight" so fast that I didn't notice even with me rewinding it a few times. Ty for the quick response ;-) are you hyped for shadowlands? I basically only play classic but my friend is trying to get me into retail so I suppose I should join this discussion since I never seen it discussed before on moviechat Dont shit talk my boy Leonard Cohen. He was putting out some bangers well into his 70's Boomer Yo retard, mouse2 the gif, and open in a new tab. There ya go. No, as his career died way before him if you consider softcore porn to be porn, then sure. what a weirdo if Jaqen's comment is to be believed. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is the only one that comes to mind Those movies are all famously dogshit Terrible response too. If you are replying to a question online and give a shit answer, you're a degen Terrible answer. How about going a lil more in depth, seeing as how the movie takes place in California and not in an unspecified state? 2012 is the peak of disaster movies